
What is a website that will tell me how to use 100% of my brain?

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What is a website that will tell me how to use 100% of my brain?




  1. Hey, you already DO use 100% of your brain, just not all at once. Only a small amount of our neurones in the brain are working at once, but all of them do work, with the areas which are working changing rapidly throughout the day.

    They only time that a large amount of of neurones are firing is during an epileptic fit which should indicate that we are not meant to use all our brain all the time!

    A better question to ask would 'be how can I reach my full potential?'. Your brain has no known limits on how much information it can store, and if you concentrate on improving your memory and keep learning new things then you will get the most out of your amazing brain!

  2. Sorry, but it cant be done. We only use a small percentage of our brain. If we could use 100% of our brain then we could bend reality, at least in theory. So there is no website that can tell you how to use 100% of your brain, and if there is, it is most likely a hoax.

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