
What is a winning horse racing betting strategy?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am looking for a horse racing betting strategy. Through which I can secure my horse racing betting profits. I hope that you will help me find some good and effective horse racing betting strategies.




  1. How to win at horse racing: (Strategy, plan, tactics, method, system, technique.)

    The challenge of betting on horses is to collect and analyze information and then make a sound judgement on what to bet on, what type of bet to place and how much. To create an opportunity to be a winner, you need to take into account three main factors, analyze them and act on your findings accordingly. These are:

       1. The odds offer (Price)
       2. The value of the odds (overpriced or underpriced?)
       3. The type of bet (single, multiple, combination, etc.)

    The odds offer has to be at least 2:1 to make it worthwhile. If necessary, choose a selection with a slightly higher risk to prop up the price.

    The value of the odds must be such that the sportsbook's commission is to a minimum, if at all. Some selections get 'steamed' unnecessarily. When this happens, the 'favorite' price lengthens. Take advantage of those situations.

    Three type of bets seem to stand out as a sensible combination to use because they are simple, not too difficult to win and have good winning potential: the Straight bet, the Doubles and the Future.

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