
What is about the legend of unicorn?

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i know this is stupid, but i just keep wondering about where did the legend came from and what did it said about the unicorn. what is the significant about unicorns?




  1. Unicorns are the ultimate symbol of good magic in the world. Thus this is why there are no more of them.

    The legend I have read the most is that unicorns only come to those who are pure in heart mind and soul- thus a young virgin usually in their early teens. The only ones who can see them are the virtuous - they are sent by the gods to protect goodness and defeat evil. Just by being there also by the powder from their horn. Unicorns are always white or silvery white- thus another signs of goodness

  2. OMG, what a can of worms! ;)

    Okay, the legend of the unicorn is this:

    The unicorn is/was believed to be a magical creature drawn to purity.  Only a maiden could tame a unicorn.  The horn of the unicorn was believed to be proof against all poisons.

    The legend began when sailors saw the narwhal, which is a horned whale.  The land unicorn legend probably began when Europeans first saw the impala from a distance and at such an angle that it appears to only have one antler/horn.  There are also occasions in nature when a goat is born with only one horn.

    In early medieval tapestries, the unicorn came to represent Jesus.

  3. There are many:

    The European Unicorn

    White and soft as snow, with a spiraling horn made of ivory that glowed silver in moonlight and gold in the sun.

    The Chinese Unicorn. (Ki-lin and the Kirin)

    These creatures have scales like a dragon, long flowing manes and beards, and multi-coloured coats of red, blue, yellow, black and white. It's long horn is made of pure silver.Ki-lin's were kind and unable to harm a living creature. A Ki-lin sighting was considered a great omen. Kirins on the other hand, could scare you stiff, and could tell good from evil.

    Arabian/Persian Unicorns:

    The Karkadann

    As big as a Rhino, with three hooves on each leg, the Karkadann would fight anything. A myth grew around Alexander the Great, claiming he had tamed one of these creatures when it was young.

    In contemporary times, the Unicorn has come to represent the quiet, inner nature. (talking about the European version here of course) It is considered magical, and has been since medievil times when the Unicorns horn was saught to cure poisons and protect from evil. (Kill a magical being to protect yourself from evil?? - Sounds very human..)Mystical, majestic, and symbols of purity, the Unicorn has established itself as a true archetype in Western Culture - representing a purity and peacefulness that we find ourselves lacking perhaps?

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