
What is academic dishonesty?

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What is academic dishonesty?




  1. cheating, in the form of recieving or giving.

  2. cheating  

  3. when you cheat. that is how they right it on your transcript for colleges to look at

  4. Cheating at school

  5. plagiarism is a major one, in other words make sure your work is just that your own. Other than that be ethical, do not cheat, do not take ideas from others, make sure you are the one actually doing your class work. Pretty simple really.  

  6. Claiming any work that is not yours as your own. (Incl: plagiarism, cheating, mis-quotation, and more.)

  7. Looking off someones paper for answers but if you just check the answers with your neighbor and they check with your paper i think its all right.

  8. If you take a test and made an (A) on it especially when the test is online and you have someone else take it for you.

    Also If you have someone else do your homework or whatever it maybe for you.

  9. Plagiarism, cheating on a test, lying to a teacher, do you want any more examples?

  10. yeh Plagiarism

  11. plagiarism or cheating. Coping someone Else's work.

  12. Plagiarism

  13. Academic dishonesty is when you turn and take credit for work that you copied from another student or author without giving credit to them. This includes cheating on tests, copying the work of another student without permission from the instructor (whether you have the permission of the student or not), having another student do your work for you (especially if solicitation and/or threats are involved) or plagiarizing written assignments. Academic dishonesty also includes providing others the chance to copy off of your work without permission from the teacher. Usually the consequence is No credit / F / 0% but in critical circumstances a referral or detention can be assigned. On multiple accounts, suspension or expulsion are brought into order.

  14. Plagiarism; skewing data; omitting data that would indicate a poor result; using parts of someone else's formulas without giving credit.

    In essence:  Not doing the experiment or writing by yourself.

  15. yeah pretty much cheating

  16. Plagiarism:

    Letting someelse do your work

    Copy of from the internet

    Cheating on tests

    Use the same exact words as yur source

    Giving a wrong bibliography

    In igh school you can be asked to stop your course and in university you can get expelled  

  17. Cheating or using plagiarized work as your own.  

  18. plagiarism - whether lifting exact words, sentences, and/or paragraphs w/o crediting the original source or paraphrasing ideas/topics that aren't general or universally accepted as general knowledge and not crediting the original source

    cheating - copying answers from someone else on tests or homework/or letting someone copy your answers on homework when they haven't contributed anything to the assignment

    having someone else write your term paper, project, proposal, etc.... for you even though you pay them or compensate them in some other form (again, this falls under plagiarism)

    fabrication - falsifying your data, any information collected, or citations in research or any other related field of academia

    deception - "providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal academic exercise—e.g., giving a false excuse for missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have submitted work"

    sabotage - "Acting to prevent others from completing their work. This includes cutting pages out of library books or willfully disrupting the experiments of others"

  19. school cheating

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