
What is acceptable for a JOP wedding ceremony?

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My fiance and I have decided that we want to fore go the whole expensive/big wedding and just have something nice and simple, with the JOP, with just our families there. However, I still want to wear a white dress, which I have been told is acceptable (and I have found a nice, conservative one that will still make me feel like a bride but at the same time, won't get in the way) and a small veil. Is this acceptable or too much for this kind of ceremony? I just want to feel like a real bride even though the ceremony is going to be small, mainly for a picture afterward.




  1. congratulations, and that sounds like a great wedding!!!

  2. Hi and congratulations!

    It sounds lovely....just perfect!  It's not too much at all.

    I hope you have a beautiful day and a happy marriage.

  3. I think that you made a wonderful choice in going with a nice conservative outfit that makes you feel like a bride. That was really your own obligation to fulfill. If you and your fiance feel like you're getting married the right way, then you are! Good Luck.

  4. You can do whatever you want!!! I am actually doing the exact same thing a week from today, and I bought my dress and veil today! You can actually do the whole sha-bang with a Justice of the Peace, or go in a sundress - it's not too much at all, anything is acceptable at all! I'm wearing a white dress (that is actually a bridesmaids dress from David's Bridal), a veil, a tiara type of headband, and shoes I bought at a bridal boutique. It's all about you, so do whatever your heart desires!

    Good luck and CONGRATS!!!!

  5. Some people go as far as having bridesmaids & groomsmen in the jp. It's your wedding day, and you need to do what you want! Many have receptions afterwards. The jp will udnerstand, they see everything!

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