
What is actually to be done in meditation ? tell me the whole procedure like what i have to do ?

by  |  earlier

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on what i have to concenterate???????????????




  1. Try this very simple, yet powerful meditation (the whole procedure) in the article 'Effortless Meditation' in the Other Work section of

    Also of possible interest is a 15-minute audio podcast episode called 'The Art of Meditation' (ep. 6) on the same site under Podcasts (OOM).


    ~ Eric Putkonen

  2. There are thousands of forms of meditation. The most advanced ones are probably in Jain, Buddhist and Hindu meditation as they have thousands of years of uninterrupted history of practice.

    A popular form of meditation is called 'vipassana' (insight). It comes about when you practice samadhi (concentration) meditation.

    You start with samdhi, by concentrating on a single object (eg. a candle, a spot on the wall) without thinking or moving at all. It's preferable to sit upright on something soft and comfortable with your legs crossed as it aids concentration and energy flow. When you want to start thinking or moving, don't. Stay perfectly still. Your focus will become more intense. New thoughts will start to pop out of nowhere. When they come up, don't think or become involved- just observe them appear and disappear like a cloud passing by. If you focus on them as being real or having thoughts about them, you've attached to a delusion and lost your concentration. On the other hand each time a thought goes away on its own with your detachment, your concentration will have intensified and your insight into how your mind works will have matured. You'll feel physically and mentally calmer and this will only get better the longer you stay in the position.

  3. There are some common rules that should be followed for different meditation techniques. You can check out more from

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  6. Go to a quiet place where you won't be disturbed, count backwards from 100-0, do this for a few days. This will put you in the "Alpha State" where you are at your highest concentrated level. Do this once a day, everyday, for a week. Then progress from counting backward from 100, to counting from 50, then 30, then, 20, and so on, when you have progressed enough, you'll be able to get in the Alpha State just by counting from three to zero.

  7. Hello

    That is a large question & one that you would have to start your own search for. You can join my forum if you wish & ask meditation questions.


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    See Profile > All Like Minded Souls Welcome!

  8. sory but i don't have an answer for your question

  9. actually you should'nt do anything. You have have forget about every thing and should'nt have any thoughts. Your mind should be empty. sit and just close your eyes

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