
What is acute paranoia???

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What is acute paranoia???




  1. chronic paranoia - is longstanding paranoia which probably means the person is Paranoid Schizophrenic or a Paranoid Peronality  E.g, the person has been afraid to go outside of the house for years because she thinks someone is filming her on camera

    Acute Paranoia - is an isolated incident(s) thathave come up to cause intense fear.   E.g., having a new car and being obsessed and really scared that someone might steal it - but then it passes in about a week.  (I had this once)

  2. its a cute version of little fishes that bite everything

  3. It means you have intense feelings of fright.

  4. Paranoia is an unfounded or exaggerated distrust of others, sometimes reaching delusional proportions. Paranoid individuals constantly suspect the motives of those around them, and believe that certain individuals, or people in general, are "out to get them." Acute paranoia is a short term "burst" of this affliction and can occur frequently or sporadically.

    Persons with paranoid personality disorder (PPD) tend to be self-centered, self-important, defensive, and emotionally distant. Their paranoia manifests itself in constant suspicions rather than full-blown delusions. The disorder often impedes social and personal relationships and career advancement. Some individuals with PPD are described as "litigious," as they are constantly initiating frivolous law suits. PPD is more common in men than in women, and typically begins in early adulthood.

    The exact cause of paranoia is unknown.

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