
What is adware genaric?

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So ive scanned my computer with AVG and it has found a file of mines adware genaric. i dont even know what this is heres the info it told me where it found the adware genaric thing


i was wonder what is that file and what does adware genaric mean




  1. Adware is software that is installed on your system with out your permission or acknowledgment.  This typically happens when you install a program that you want.  The program then doesn't give you an option or doesn't tells you about the adware thats put on the system.

    How adware can hurt the system.  Adware is mainly design to track internet behavior.  It then builds statics on Search engine words.  This info is used to help come up with statics of web trends.  However this same info in the wrong hands can lead to pop ups camouflageded as an item you are searching for.

    Example, if most searches are on Cars, then adware could Link spyware camouflageded as a good deal on cars popup.  If you then clicked on a popup that is infected, the popup may disapear and you may not think twice, but at that time a back door could have just been planted which could allow other nasty infection in.  It is best to delete all adware.  If you have any questions or need help check out for more help

  2. Why did you call yourself wiiFan? Wii's are the worst console on the market.

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