
What is adwords? Or what is Article Marketing?

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Hello, I am learning here. I was wondering what adwords is? Or, what is Article Marketing? Do you need a blog or website to do this? Help!

Thank You,





  1. Adwords and Adsense are a twins ... both programs are from google

    Adwords is a program that you pay google to display ads on other websites for your products (you need a website of course) so clicking on those ads will drive people and traffic to your website where they can read more about the product or service or what ever you have on your blog.

    people use adsense on their website to display ads .. and they get paid when ever someone clicked on an add

    I use Adsense myself ..

    and I get paid for it ..

    good luck

  2. Article marketing is writing articles about a website or product and submitting those articles to article directories.  Its basically a free way of advertising.  It works great, search engines loves articles and ranks them high in their listings.

    Hope that helps and answers your question.

  3. Hey Kaloni!

    You are doing the right thing...learning methods and techniques from experienced marketers. I use many FREE methods to get lots of free traffic for my businesses. Article marketing is very effective.

    Check out an article I wrote in 5 minutes and it already appears on page 2 of google for the "keyword"  ...More FREE traffic

    I teach people easy methods to make money online

    FREE 7 day Internet marketing bootcamp on site below

  4. Search something on google and look at the results on your right... That's AdWords.

    Go to Ezine and write and article with a  link back to your website... that's article marketing.

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