
What is affiliate marketing and can you make money doing it? Where can I look for more information into this?

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What is affiliate marketing and can you make money doing it? Where can I look for more information into this?




  1. Hi, great question

    There are two ways the term affiliate marketing is used.

    The first refers to an individual affiliate who is marketing the products and services of another company for a sales commission.

    The second refers to a business that has products and services which it markets through affiliates.

    They are just two sides of the same coin but it's important to know which one someone is referring to.

    A business with products and services to sell can start an affiliate program and recruit affiliates to do some or all of their sales & marketing.

    An individual interested in selling on the Internet can apply to these affiliate programs and if accepted, make money by promoting their products.

    You can do a search on any search engine for terms like "affiliate program" , "affiliate network" , "affiliate business" , etc.

    If you already know what type of products you want to sell, you can simply add relevant terms to refine your search results.

    Example: You want to promote products related to baby care.

    Simple do a search at Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc for terms like:

    baby affiliate program

    baby affiliate products

    baby products affiliate program

    You can also go to Affiliate Networks like the ones listed at:

    Affiliate Networks manage affiliate programs for multiple businesses. And often will have many related affiliate products and services you can apply to - all in one place.

    Affiliate marketing is a great way for someone who wants to try their hand at making money on the Internet without a lot of risk - to get started.

    Your main job as an affiliate is to find ways to get qualified potential buyers to your affiliate website. When people you refer to the website buy, the affiliate management software used by the business will track your visitors and sales automatically.

    You can learn more about affiliate marketing and ways to make money on the Internet here:

    ... Annie

  2. Affiliate marketing is basically you marketing products or services for other companies and getting paid a commission to do so. Yes you can make money. You can make money with almost anything these days, legit things, scams, anything...

    That said, in order to succeed in affiliate marketing, you either have to spend a lot of time working on building your business OR a lot of money funding advertising to market off the products.

  3. A super way to make some extra income is building Affiliate Marketing Websites.  Build as many as you like for a very small nominal fee.  Just to give you an idea go to or  These are both affiliate sites using a super neat website script.  Information explaining the idea is at  Best of luck whichever direction you take.

  4. Hi,

      Affiliate marketing is a way that you send a visitors in your site to your merchants site by recommending them to buy  there products or use there services.They can be having offline business or online business but the main aim is directing visitors to them.Once you direct a visitor in your site to your merchant and he or she buys the products from him,the merchant will pay you a certain percentage of the sales which is termed as commission.The more visitors you direct to your merchant the more commission you get.

      To get a merchant is either you call me him an make an agreement with him or you do some searching on the web on affiliate programmes where you will choose the one that meets your requirements.

        You will be having a textial link of your merchant in site which has words that recommends why people should use those products or services.

       People have made thousands or rather millions of dollars from affiliate marketing.You can also use affiliate programs directories to find affiliate programs.

      You can download this free e book affiliate masters course from this link.

  5. There are lots of companies out there that use affiliate marketing to sell their products.

    What you do as an affiliate marketer is sign up with an individual company who has an affiliate program (an example would be Amazon) or one that has a lot of companies included in their listings like Commission Junction.

    Once you sign up, you get html code with your affiliate ID embedded in it.  You post that code on your website, blog,  or favorite social networking site so you get credit for the sale when people click through to that site and make a purchase.

    Your website or blog has to have a LOT of visitors before you make sales. But it can be done. There are some people making a very good living at it.

    Here's a link to take a free course on how to set up your own affiliate business and it's also a good example of an affiliate program that pays.

    Good luck,

    Healthy Mom

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