
What is agriculture?

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What is agriculture?




  1. Agriculture refers to the production of goods through the growing of plants, animals and other life forms. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science.

    Agriculture encompasses many subjects, including aquaculture, agronomy, animal husbandry, and horticulture. Each of these subjects can be further partitioned: for example, agronomy includes both sustainable agriculture and intensive farming, and animal husbandry includes ranching, herding, and intensive pig farming. Agricultural products include food (vegetables, fruits, and cereals), fibers (cotton, wool, hemp, silk and flax), fuels (methane from biomass, ethanol, biodiesel), cut flowers, ornamental and nursery plants, tropical fish and birds for the pet trade, both legal and illegal drugs (biopharmaceuticals, tobacco, marijuana, opium, cocaine), and other useful materials such as resins. Recently, crops have been designed to produce plastic[1] as well as pharmaceuticals.[2]

    The history of agriculture is a central element of human history, as agricultural progress has been a crucial factor in worldwide socio-economic change. Wealth-building and militaristic specializations rarely seen in hunter-gatherer cultures are commonplace in agricultural and agro-industrial societies—when farmers became capable of producing food beyond the needs of their own families, others in the tribe/village/City-state/nation/empire were freed to devote themselves to projects other than food acquisition. Jared Diamond, among others, has argued that the development of civilization required agriculture.

  2. I define agriculture as

    The deliberate manipulation of a biological entity by man to produce a product that can be utilized as a food, fuel, shelter, fiber or  for aesthetics which, hopefully, results in a financial reward for the producer (farmer).

    This is a simplified term that can then be expanded as a students builds their knowledge base

  3. farming in the midwest, growing fruits and vegetables in the pains and stuff...........

  4. agriculture - the study of producing crops from the land with an emphasis of on practical application..

    hope this helps^^
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