
What is airpocket in aeroplane?

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What is airpocket in aeroplane?




  1. A downward air current that causes an aircraft to lose altitude abruptly. Also called air hole.

  2. where the air is stored.

  3. The airpocket in an airplane is that little pouch on the back of the seat in front of you where they keep the emergency information sheet, in-flight magazine, and airsickness bag.

  4. not in aeroplane!  outside aeroplane!  dead air space that causes the plane to drop in altitude!

  5. One of the most common complaint from air travelers is air turbulence. This is understandable because air turbulence is a very unnatural phenomenon to those of us who are used to the predictable stability of the earth. To some, this unnatural motion can cause discomfort to our body system that we have very little control over it.

    Turbulence is basically a stream of air in irregular motion that normally cannot be seen and often occurs unexpectedly. It can be created by a number of different conditions. The most common encounter is flying in the vicinity of thunderstorm. In fact, a flight through a patch of cloud will often jostle the airplane. Flying over mountainous area with a prevailing wind is another major cause of air turbulence. Other causes come from flying near to jet streams at high altitude, in a frontal system or where temperature changes in any air mass in the sky.

    Turbulence can also occur when the sky is clear of clouds. These are known as clear air turbulence or CAT. As the name suggests, CAT occur in clear air and cannot be seen on the radar. One can encounter CAT when flying from a slow moving air mass of about 10 to 20 knots into or near a jet stream with speed of well above 100 knots. Although one cannot see CAT visually, a close scrutiny of the weather charts or the forecasted turbulence factor on the flight plan, could usually warn pilots of possible affected areas on the route.

    Turbulence is sometimes mistakenly referred to as ‘air pockets’ by some air travelers. A journalist coined this misnomer during the First World War to mistakenly describe air turbulence. This description has caused many anxieties to air passengers who believe that when an airplane fly through an air pocket, it would fall off the sky or drop a few hundred feet!

    The severity of air turbulence can be basically described as light, medium, severe or extreme. Flying through a medium turbulence is no more dangerous than a traveling along a gravel road in a bus or coach. Severe turbulence can be very uncomfortable but it does not necessarily cause the aircraft to break up!

  6. The term "airpocket" is used by people who either don't know aerodynamics or don't care enough to actually find out whats really going on.  Like the people on the news, or the lady in seat 12C that wants to tell you the horror story about her last flight.

    Airpocket is used to describe a mass of air that is moving in a different direction than the surrounding air.  When flying through it, a slight bump is sometimes felt.  We call that bump turbulence.  There is no pocket, its just a moving air current.  There isn't more air there or less air there.  Its just moving.

  7. An air pocket is just a slang for turbulence or buffet. Turbulence is basically unstable air caused by many reasons. It's turbulence that throws a floating leaf all over the sky instead of straight down, or that dispurses smoke from a cigarette.

    In aviation there are many types of turbulence.

    Orographic or mechnical turbulence is when air flows over irregular  terrain or objects. This forms eddys and disrupts the airflow.

    Thermal turbulence occurs because warm unstable air flows up, messing the air up.

    Wake turbulence comes from other aircraft.

    Clear air turbulence is found due to strong windsheers in the jetstream.

  8. The thermals.

  9. air pockets in aeroplane r those dead space in structure of plane to maintain steady aerodynamics of the plane

  10. an air pocket is a small region in air where, if the aircraft comes in, it will drop down like stone.

    it is basically a region where there is no air. or where the density of air is too low.

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