
What is alexander technique.?

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i know to do with posture, anyone tried this




  1. i used to teach basics of it.

    it works to re-educate the brain as to what correct spinal alignment and normal healthy movement is.

    it does it through a teacher quiding you and your body until the changes become second nature.

    you can relearn how to walk, sit, swim, run, you name it.

    it works, but not for very severe spinal disorders

  2. The Alexander technique  is a proven approach to self care.  It is a method for  people of all ages  and abilities can learn to relieve the pain and stress caused by everyday misuse of the body.  With the Alexander Technique, you learn how to strip away the movement habits and tensions patterns at the root of your discomfort. You learn how to balance your own body and take charge of your own health. You learn how to sit, stand and move — with safety, efficiency and ease.

  3. Heya

    In the Alexander Technique individuals are taught to correct their posture and movements. A teacher works with the student to help them monitor and control muscle tension. The Technique is also taught in groups, often using short individual lessons which in turn act as examples to the rest of the class. The Technique takes its name from F. Matthias Alexander, who first observed and formulated its principles between 1890 and 1900. The Alexander Technique is claimed to alleviate pain, promote rehabilitation, improve breathing, and decrease stage fright, as well as improve other conditions. There is little scientific research supporting these claims.

    The Alexander Technique is a form of physical therapy in which patients are taught with the assistance of a coach to correct their posture in order to align the body. There is a focus on becoming aware of and directing muscle tension using a focus on proprioceptive feedback. The instructor provides verbal instructions while monitoring and guiding the movement with their hands. The Alexander Technique is considered to be an educational technique taught to be practiced by the student on their own, rather than a curative treatment regimen of the client/patient relationship. It is designed to be used while doing any other activity, so there are no prescriptive forms of movements to follow.

    F.M. Alexander developed his own terminology to talk about the method. An example of this terminology is "End-gaining" which means to focus on a goal and in the process to lose sight of the means by which this goal is achieved. This is argued to increase the risk of selecting older, poor physical habits and injury.

    How habits may be stopped, refined or well-formed is reflected in Alexander's specialized use of the word "Inhibition" and "Direction." In the Alexander Technique, "inhibition" is a moment of conscious awareness that interrupts a habitual pattern of muscular misuse and establishes a new Head-Neck-Back relationship.

    Hope i helped


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