
What is all the characters in highschoolmusical email and phoneand house number?

by Guest33963  |  earlier

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What is all the characters in highschoolmusical email and phoneand house number?




  1. tough one...try Disney Land

  2. A strange question for this category.could this be classed as phishing?

  3. I love how this asked in royalty.

  4. If you are so overly obsessed with the characters from High School Musical, why don't you become a member of a fan club instead. I'm sure you'll meet millions of other fanatic fans, and where you could exchange infos there.

  5. Im gonna go ahead and NOT give phone numbers and emails to creepy stalker people.

  6. i have seen a lot of absurd questions on this forum over the years but this one takes the cake. hold on, I'm checking my address book. would you like their bank account and social security numbers while I'm at it ?

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