
What is all the information about 2 stroke small engines???

by Guest32660  |  earlier

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Please tell me all the information you can about them!! THANK YOU!




  1. bro break the question down ,--details thats alot of info!

  2. Two strokes get their name from the number of times the piston travels inside the cylinder of the engine.  A complete cycle of intake/compression/combustion/exhaust is accomplished in one upward movement and one downward movement.

    Two strokes use a system of ports to move the air/fuel mixture into the cylinder, instead of valves like a four stroke.  In a two stroke, the oil that lubricates the bearings is mixed with the fuel and enters the lower part of the engine.  The mixture is pressurized by the downward movement of the piston, which forces the air/fuel mix up through a port into the cylinder.  As the piston moves up, it covers up the transfer ports and compresses the air/fuel mix in the combustion chamber.  Spark ignites the mix, and the combustion drives the piston down, which uncovers the exhaust port allowing gases to exit, and uncovers the intake port which adds more air/fuel into the bottom of the engine, and uncovers the transfer ports that push fresh air/fuel into the cylinder to make it happen all over again.

    A four stroke engine has a piston that travels down once to allow fuel/air into the cylinder, travels back up to compress, travels down again after the mix is ignited, and back up a fourth time to force exhaust gases out.

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