
What is an Active Cooled Shelter? How does it work?

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And what makes it different from a Passive Cooled Shelter (which I also don't know what it is)




  1. i am not familiar with the terms but i can give you an educated guess...

    a good example of a passively cooled shelter is a spring house. they were used before electricity was common. a person would find a spring head in a  shaded valley, dig it down a few feet and build a rock shelter over it.  being half buried in the cool ground, made of cool rock, with cool water running trough it, in the cool shade, in a cool valley, it just stayed cool. if you are not actively cooling a shelter, then it is passively cooled. even a house on a hill in the direct sun is passively cooled. it wont be cooled very well, but its only form of cooling is passive. if you turn on the AC, then you are actively attempting to cool the structure.

    ps in a way the spring cool be considered active cooling as well.

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