
What is an Assistant Marshall?

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Since I didn't get any answer from the county, maybe someone here can help me. I wasn't able to make out the occupation of an ancestor I found in a census from the 1800's, but I noticed his name at the top of the census page as the assistant marshall of the county. What were his duties, what did he have to do with the census and would the county have information on him? I'm not able to find any information on his parents and back.




  1. If he was US or US territory (and my answer only applies to the US), his job would have been to execute the orders of the courts. If he worked for a county, he would have had several other ministerial duties, including controlling prisoners, hauling them to court, etc.

    His job would also be to see that the locals complied with Federal law regarding the taking of the census, hence his name would appear.

    In smaller towns, leading men of the area would often hold several positions from time to time, as well as tending to their farms and business. Don't be surprised if you find a record that describes him as a justice or sheriff, or maybe later, a full Marshall.

    If the census was for a territory, and he was Federal, then you will have plenty of records over a wider area in which his name should appear.

    Regardless, there should be plenty of old newspaper accounts and court documents with his name on it. It was a respectable position, and most likely would only be held by prominent citizens.

    Happy hunting.

  2. Have a look at the link posted below, I found the job of a marshall for you, I was really surprised by it.

    Marksman 1) Sharpshooter  2) Marked out land 3) One who makes a mark in place of a signature 4) A grade or degree of the Orange Order 5) One who ranges competitors in a race 6) One who superintended marking New Forest ponies  More Info.  

    Marshall  Horse doctor or shoe smith  

    Marshman  Employed by landowners to tend marshland and the animals grazing there

    According to this site its an *horse doctor or shoe smith*.

    Hope this helps.

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