I've recently applied for life insurance in Ontario, Canada (which is where I reside) for both my wife & myself. The insurance application has taken a little over a month and we still haven't finalized the application (it's still outstanding). I called the insurance broker & he advised that the insurance company had sent my family practitioner an Attending Physicians Statement (APS), and that until they receive this APS they could not proceed. I called my family practitioner to follow up to see what the delay was, but they advised they just mailed it out to the insurance company. Apparently they (the insurance company) only needed an APS for myself, and not my wife. My question is this; What exactly is an APS? I have an idea; possibly a release of all of the details of my medical record/s up to this date for full disclosure. But what kinda threw me off is why they only needed it for me. Anyways, what is an APS, and why did they only require one for me?