
What is an NHL team from the US that should relocate to Canada?

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What is an NHL team from the US that should relocate to Canada?




  1. Either the Florida Panters or the Tampa bay Lightening or the Phoenix Coyoties

  2. For the few that have suggested one of California's teams.. Have you seen the attendence records and fan support the 3 teams get? We support our teams at the box office better than the likes of Chicago , St. Louis , Ny Isles and New  Jersey. Simply picking out a team to moved based on the fact we have warm winters and do not have frozen lakes to skate on is retarded.  If I had to nominate a few to choose from I would say Florida Panthers, Columbus or Atlanta.  Columbus is a perfect example that a "cold" city doesn't always mean it's going to be a hockey hotbed.. Florida.. well Miami only seems to like the Dolphins or when the Heat or Marlins are doing well.. and Atlanta.. well jury is still out.. I think a few successfull seasons and they can be a good hockey market.

  3. A team that doesn't have a good fan base... but that's not important.

  4. Why does everyone want a Florida team to be relocated?  I would love for Canada to have another team, being that I am from Canada. But I live in Florida and enjoy going to games.  Just because it doesn't snow here, doesn't mean people can't enjoy hockey.  There are a lot of snowbirds from New England and Canada who are in Florida during hockey season or who now live here permanently.

  5. Florida has two teams, and Southern California has two teams.  This should have never happened.  Something went wrong somewhere.  The problem is, there are a limited number of heavily populated Canadian cities/provinces.  While most of the population would give full support of the franchise, shear numbers are still an issue.  I would at least like to see some southern teams move to the northern U.S.  I think Wisconsin should have a team.  Three cities I would nominate to have franchises moved are Phoenix, Anaheim, and one of the Florida teams.  Three cities that, in my opinion should have their franchised returned or be given a new one are Milwaukee, Hamilton, and Hartford.  I don't like Quebec, but if Ontario has 2 franchises, I guess it would make sense for Quebec City to have one.  Winnepeg, Saskatoon, and Regina I think are all too small to support a franchise.  The same goes for states like North Dakota, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire...etc.  I think Hartford could support a franchise only because they may miss the privilege of having their own team.  Still, with NYR, NYI, NJD, BOS, and PHI all within a few hundred miles, it would be hard for them to pay for one.

    All (I mean both) of you southern california/florida hockey fans that gave me thumbs down need to admit that people like you are few and far between.  I know a lot more Whalers fans that still wear their Sean Burke, Geoff Sanderson, and Brendan Shanahan jerseys with pride and wait for the day that they (an actual hockey state) gets a franchise.  Until then, they'll deal with Boston or New York teams.  I'm not saying you don't deserve a team, I'm just saying there's not enough of you.  I'm all for the game expanding, but not at the expense of actual fans.  It all comes down to money, so this topic is purely hypothetical.  LeafsFan hits it right on the head.  Somebody posed the question, and I answered.  I don't have the power or authority to move franchises, so don't get pissed at me.

    Solo - Columbus is an expansion team.

  6. Phoenix should go back to Winnipeg and become the Jets again.

    I know Quebec became Colorado, but I think hockey is very good and popular in Denver so they can stay in my opinion.  But Quebec does need a new team; maybe Florida or Atlanta?  Just don't see how hockey can be popular in those cities.

  7. Nashville and Florida have deep-rooted financial problems and would be the most likely prospects as of right now.  With Nashville's principal owner having filed bankruptcy and in trouble...not sure what happens next (the club is already sucking public money); Florida was a bad idea from the off; the club doesn't have a sizable fan base and has been a financial sinkhole.  Atlanta doesn't draw squat despite being in a huge city.  Florida and Nashville both eat a ton of revenue sharing dollars, if you're wondering.

    Relocating to Quebec isn't going to happen because of the tax situation (Montreal gets killed on this, as do their players; it's a bit of a deal-breaker for some guys).  Winnipeg has a new arena but it does not have the minimum seating required (not sure if the arena could be remodeled or not); any other places in central/Western Canada are just not options as it relates to population and other minimum requirements by the league.

    Southern Ontario is one of the five most populated areas in North America and would be the easiest "fit"; the only snag would be potential territorial payments to the Leafs and possibly Buffalo.  The population growth in the outlying areas (and demonstrated support for the game) would indicate that this would make sense.  The club would most likely shift from a revenue sharing dollar consumer to a contributor fairly shortly; the impact on the Leafs would be negligible (the Leafs have sold out every game since...well, a while); the tightened border security measures make going across the border 30-40 nights a year unwieldy at best.

    Long term...the six Canadian teams are doing well partially because of the current exchange rate (the rate is currently dead even), but if we saw that drop to early 2000's levels, we're not having this discussion.

    To fan(s) of the clubs I mentioned; that I listed your city should not be construed as some pro-Canadian/anti-American rant, nor to suggest that I don't like children, sunshine, puppies, and rainbows.  I don't like or dislike your town; I'm sure both cities have hockey fans...but one could make an arguement whether there is enough interest to sustain a club.

    My comments are strictly from an economic sense.  Both Florida and Nashville ownership would most likely see a huge payout (esp. Florida) on a sale, by the way, and the local communities would likely get a lease payment indemnity.  The economic impact to both communities would be meagre at best; there would be a job loss but these are mostly seasonal positions.  Florida's arena sits in the middle of FA; Nashville's arena sits in a slightly urban location.  For Nashville...weigh the economic dollars directly contributed to the club  by virtue of their existing, and subtract the millions in graft that the city is me, the true economic impact is microscopic, if any.

  8. Why force a team to return to Canada?  They will just lose millions and beg to be back in the US in 10 years.  Why do you think Winnipeg and Quebec City lost teams in the 1st place?

    Just fold the unprofitable teams and cut back to 24 teams which make money.  There are more than a few teams in poor markets.

  9. I think the Coyotes should relocate back to Winnipeg or Hamilton.  Nashville would be the second choice.

  10. Considering that California has 3 teams...maybe one of them or Carolina Hurricanes.

  11. Not sure exactly which team or teams should or could be moved...but Ontario could support 2 more teams and Queerbec City could do it now with the salary cap and revenue sharing in place.

  12. Talk about performing CPR on a dead horse, how many times has this question been asked?

    I wish we could "sticky" questions on here, because LITY had a GREAT scenario detailing the difficulties that a Winnipeg or QC based team faced.

  13. since none of us are owners or NHL front office, the fans have no business pontificating about this issue. especially about another fans' team.

    what fan is going to say, "get rid of mine"? none. so we really don't know the issues to volunteer other teams. except about 1% of us. and the list would start w/ LITY. besides, the loyalty of a team's fans aren't enough to sway a lot of owners from moving, often times. fans think they have a say. really, they don't.

    canes - talk to andrew (won a cup in 06)

    lightning - funny that a year ago, many people were volunteering this team. now TBL and Homes suddenly have to "police" a bandwagon.

    panthers - i believe you'd have to go thru kimmy

    california teams - anaheim won in 07, SJ is threatening for a cup and has been a favorite the last few years; kings are in LA, and have monetary support.

    who's next?


    this isn't simply as easy as playing some whacked - out version of Risk, where you distribute your "people" around areas that are bigger or have larger population centers, etc. It's also about owners and $$. it doesn't make sense to us, because we don't see (and more importantly, work w/ ... on a daily basis) the issues of ownership and franchisement.

    i guess that i'm just acknowledging that I'm a part of the group who really doesn't know. which seems to be the majority. after all, this question is mostly tongue - in - cheek. i mean, who decides what the "should" means in the original question?

    i guess i'm also not intimidated by thumbs down.

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