
What is an OVA.......?

by  |  earlier

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I know everything else ever about anime cept that. sucks for me... but really =]




  1. OVA stands for Original Video Animation. The title is nothing special, it's  basically just a short movie for the series and it usually runs outside of the original plot.

  2. Original Video Animation. Basically OVA's are usually made after an anime is finished. Sometimes it is a future story of the anime, and sometimes it has absolutly nothing to do with the story of the anime, it just use's the characters. IN my personal opinion, OVA's are used to just help the people who are obsessed with the anime accept the fact that the anime has come to an end *tear*.  

  3. Original video animation, it's anime released directly to video.

  4. Original Vdeo Animation
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