
What is an Oxbridge tutor?

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I heard about oxbridge tutors and how expensive they are. What are they? I plan to go to Oxford, if I get in. I am still a Junior in High School in Florida, U.S.A. But...I don't know what an Oxbridge tutor it someone that helps you to be able to enter Oxford? if so, where can I get one? please explain in detail. Thanks.




  1. I would say it's someone who helps you get into Oxford or Cambridge as they are quite hard to get into, being the top schools in the UK. The tutor would know all about the admissions process and how to make the best empression. I would contact Oxford and see if they could recomend any tutors? Or see you can find an Oxford student that can recomend one?

    Good Luck :)

  2. Oxbridge is used when refering to both Oxford and Cambridge University.

    Not to sure, perhaps someone who teaches at both Oxford and Cambridge.

    The key word is 'tutor' so it highly unlikely that they are there to aid your admission process.

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