
What is an account number ?

by  |  earlier

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Please help.. i need to fill out a form and i dont know what an account number is




  1. depends what kind of form your filling out---an account number is a long (or short) series of numbers that is associated to your name & information...

  2. it could be your bank account number...or if you use gas, electric or broadband the top of your bill you will have an account number that is exclusive to you....simple as that honey!!

  3. It's the number that's on your bank statement.

    It would be in the top right or left (:


  4. Your bank or building society account number if you have a bank account.

  5. why did youerase your last question well wish you the best with your mom

  6. its the number of an account

  7. A unique number given to you to diffrentiate your account, and your money from everybody else's in the same organisation.Usually about 7-8 digits.

  8. Each company maintains information about the people with whom they are doing business.

    One word of warning - don't give out personal account numbers too easily. Doing that is a quick way to allow someone access to your bank account or credit card, and then you have to go through the horror of changing everything.

    If this is the first time you've dealt with the company, there will be some process of "opening an account". When you do that, there is a number that is associated with your name, address, etc. That is your "account number".

    If you ordered from this company before, then you created an account before. If they don't have a way for you to "log in" to their system, then they need some way to know who they are going to charge, so they ask for your account number.

    Look on any documentation (email, receipts, purchase orders, etc.) - there should be, near your name and address, a number with the words "Account" or "Acct. #" or sometime similar.

    If all else fails, call the company and they should be able to help you discover your account number.

  9. It could mean a bank account number?

  10. When you put money in a bank, they give you an account number. That's it. It's on the slips you get from the bank. If you haven't got a bank account, you haven't got an account number.

  11. bank account numberr ?

  12. It's the number you use for your Bank, when you go into the bank and want to get out money but you don't have your card with you, you give them your bank account number, which they gave you when you 1st opened your savings or current account with them :)

  13. its a reference number any organisation will have to identify you.

  14. It is a number for an account.

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