
What is an activity that will help children ask more questions?

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I am learning that it is important that preschool children learn to ask questions, what is a good way to promote them to?




  1. Introduce what is known as a K-W-L chart.  When beginning a new topic of study.. ex. Spiders... list what the students already K(know) about them.  After discussing what they know, question what they W(want to know).  Write these questions down and try to find the answers through books, internet, personal knowledge, etc.  Last, list what they L(learned) about the topic.  This will get them thinking about questions that they want answered versus just content they are being provided.

  2. well im not a teacher but i do babysit a lot of kids. the are always bombing me with questions. how i do is i find something they like. let them learn more about it like saying "did you know this" for example. one boy like dinosaurs. i would say did you know that a trisaratops has 3 horns? usally they reply with a no way type of thing. or an other way is to show them somthing and have thim study it, let them ask how it works. an other easy way is to just plain out ask them "do you have any questions?" or " do you need any help?" the questions will start to come out all of the time. also they ask a lot of questions about me. the like to know what its like to be older. now depends on what age you are and what you do. always try to put you answers in to a from the would under stand like "i have 2 cookies and the i ate one how many cookies do i have now?" isted of "2-1=1." hope this helps!

  3. You may think this sounds boring and unimaginative, but just think about it.  Reading.  I'm not saying the ordinary children's stories, but something interesting, on their level, something they can learn to make good decisions, or how to treat people, or history,  There are a lot of books for children that age on history,  It is written in a way a child can understand.  These types of books inspire questions.  I am not a teacher, but I know from experience with my own children that when you read them something they never heard of before, the questions fly.  You have to be ready for the answers too.  Children are not given the credit they deserve.  We all tend to stereotype 5 yr olds and think all they know are fairytale etc.  No, They want to learn,  That's the great thing about children.  They are forever exploring their little worlds and asking question.  I think teaching little ones like you're doing is a very noble profession and hard to do.  Just think about those books they never heard of.  You will be amazed at the questions they ask.

  4. get him/her play the role of teacher with those younger or even a bit older several times a week.

  5. Take them on walks in the neighborhood or park, read to them, and give them TIME.  So many of us rush our preschoolers from activity to activity and bombard them with "educational" toys, TV and computer that our children do not have time to actually sit and think.

    Also, expose your children to interesting materials that promote imaginitive play, such as blocks, legos, lincoln logs, dress up clothes.

    Here are some activities that may help:

    Also make sure that when your child does ask questions you take the time to answer them.

    Good luck!

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