
What is an alternate fuel I can use, other than gasoline?

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without doing something like hydrogen cell or hho generator, what about like hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Im doing an hho install, but it wont be sufficient to run the entire engine, and I would have to custmive the fuel delivery. So Im trying to avoid all of that by just pouring something else other than gasoline.




  1. I do believe i saw on discovery channel cooking oil check it out

  2. The only two that are feasible are Propane and Compressed Natural Gas.  Both will cost you considerably to have the vehicle converted.  Natural Gas conversions will be MUCH more, not to mention the lack of ability to refuel most places for CNG.  Ethyl is sh*t.  It starves poor and raises the cost of everything on the grocery shelf nearly.  It is NOT a solution!  If I had to choose an alternate right now it would be Propane although after conversion you'd have to drive a LOT to benefit.

    Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies is a publicly traded company that is preparing for widespread distribution of this product.

    Don't believe me though... for all you naysayers by all means call MarketWatch a liar.

    HHO injection is now proven technology, Dr.

    When you stop learning you start dying whether physically or not. Something to think about.

    The long term answer is total hydrogen motors.  Toyota is making a car that runs on hydrogen later this year.  Using thermal solar conversion, the hydrogen can be produced on platforms on the ocean literally for free with no trees to block sun or unsightly equipment around a home and best of all no chance of massive explosions from faulty plants knocking out a neighborhood nearby or anything else.  Of course on a platform for those that will start again naysaying it would have to be solar distilled first.  We could implement a platform such as this in the tropics and make it moveable in a storm since it only needs water to work.  Is there a side effect?  Yes the salt would have to come ashore with the hydrogen and be disposed of to keep from affecting the oceans salinity.  

    Hydrogen IS the future.  Oil is not.

  3. Our least expesive fuel is Naturl gas. It costs about 70 cents per 100,000 BTU wile gasoline costs about 4 dollars for a gallon containing 120,000 BTU of energy.

    It's  also much cleaner than gasoline or diesel. The greatest drawback is the unavailability of fueling stations.At present only large fleet owners use natural gas as a fuel because they can afford to have their own fueling stations.

    A good example of this is the local bus companies. However in most cases they refuse to make it available to the public even when they are being supported by tax dollars.

    This needs to stop!!

  4. Due to the fact of your asking this question, it is apparent that you have very limited automotive knowledge.  I would therefore suggest that you do NOTHING to your car.

    A gasoline engine will pretty much only run on gasoline, without doing any substantial modifications to change the fuel type.  It has been reported that gasoline engines can run on a mix of up to 65% ethanol/35% gasoline without any modification, but I would never go with more than E20 for a prolonged time, unless the vehicle is a flex-fuel vehicle.  There are some kits to convert certain vehicles to flex-fuel (~$350), but again, you may not have the automotive knowledge to install them.

    BTW, those HHO and hydrogen injection kits don't work, because the concept doesn't work.  Typically, they don't produce enough HHO to do anything anyway, but they may make enough to royally s***w up your engine, depending on the types of sensors your engine has.

  5. Compressed Natural Gas (cng) or Propane

    1.)It costs about 6,000 to 10,000 to convert your car to CNG (compressed natural gas) and about half of that for propane.

    2.)There are a few CNG fueling stations in the united states, most of them being in utah. There are many more propane fueling stations in the U.S. I live in Alabama, and there are 52 propane fueling stations. You can also get an at home CNG fueling system, so when you are sleeping at night, your car is beng fueled with natural gas. These are usuially anywhere from 4,500 to 20,000.

    3.)You usually do not lose power with either fuel because the octane is greater than that of gasoline. Natural gas has an octane rating of 130, compared to the 87, 89 or 93 you buy at a gas station. You often do lose some mileage with both fuels. With CNG, you will get about 200 to 250 miles a tank before filling up. With propane you can get anywhere from 300 to 400 miles before filling up.

    4.)CNG costs about $1.00 a gge (gasoline gallon equivalent) and Propane costs about $2.50 or $3.00 a gge.

    5.) CNG is one of the most environmentally friendly alternative fuels out there because it burns almost completely clean. The Honda Civic GX, a CNG car, was named the most environmentally friendly car on the planet. Propane also is environmentally friendly, not as much so as CNG, but much more so than gasoline.

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