
What is an amazing love quote?

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I am looking for an amazing love quotes something along the lines of i didn't know what life was till i met you, it was faith, etc. You get the idea i have looked for about 4 hours and i can't find one i love! So please help!! Thank you soo much!!!




  1. How about this one?

    "The heart that has truly loved never forgets,

    But as truly will love on to the close,

    As the sunflower turns on her god when he sets,

    The same look which she turns when he rose".

    or this one?

    "Could you but guess

    How to you alone my heart I'll give,

    Give all I have and nothing take?

    Or chafe to think that you are bound while I am free

    Quite free perhaps to love you silently,

    Could you but guess?"

  2. I went to a wedding on the weekend - the invite says:

    "to our present, our future and our past.... may each day be happier than the last"

  3. "I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if its just for a second, that I've crossed your mind."

    Honestly though..just say what's from your heart.  The most magical moments in relationships are the spontaneous ones.

    I did this to my best friend very recently:

    She cought me just staring at her.  i dont know how long the stare was but even after knowing her for more that 3 years, I still find her and everything about her the most beautiful thing in the world.  She asked me "what's up?" I said "I know the reason why im really enjoying my life" she said "what is that?" I said "Im looking at it right now."

    Idk if you get what im saying but like i said.  Spontaneous moments.

  4. Pick the pieces off the floor,

    I dont want them anymore,

    because I didnt make it break,I just made every girls mistake

    Love is the biggest treasure you can have in life, you have to search hard for it, dig deeply, and when you find it, it makes you happier than anything else.

    The last time I hugged you, if I knew it would have been our last, I would have never let go.

    I listened to your words with my ears... and i heard what you said...but i never understood it...until i listened to it with my was then that i knew you didnt love me.

    It is still what it once was, and one day I promise you, it shall be so again. Until then however, the world and I bid you the fairest adieu.

    You should never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile

    We talk every night and every night feels just as special as the last

    The worst pain in the world is knowing that he meant everything to you but you meant nothing to him

  5. "If you were to ask me what is destiny, the answer is 'you'!"

  6. I love the one from moulin rouge  

    The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return

  7. say what comes from your heart, not yahoo answers... then it will be true

  8. "If I know what love is, It is because of you."- Herman Hesse

    "I took one look at you

    Thats all I meant to do

    And my heart stood still."- Lorenz Hart

    "As for me, to love you alone, to make you happy, to do nothing which would contradict your wishes, this is my destiny and the meaning of my life. "- Napoleon Bonaparte

    Hope these help :) Good Luck!

  9. If you live to be a hundred years old, I want to live to be 100 minus one day. So that I don't have to live without you.

    - Winnie the Pooh

    I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good night...

    I can only read lips if they're touching mine

    Promise me, you'll never forget me. Because if I thought you would I'd never leave

    What is this for btw? a special someone? or something else?

  10. Google Romeo and Juliet for some ideas

  11. Search the lyrics.  Lyrics are a good source of quotes for all emotions!   listen to a good love songs.


    and i don't mean Rap or any of that other s**t...  there's no love in "gettin' tipsy in clubs"...   that's all lust.

  12. A great web site with tons of useful quotations

  13. I always thought things were more amazing when they were simple my favorite one is from the song "Nature Boy"

    "The greatest joy [thing] you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."

  14. two hearts, one love

  15. I don't know if life is greater than death. But love is more than either.

    -Tristan and Isolde (movie)

  16. I am really really glad I met a guy like you. I will love you FOREVE.... just no R because that is the end of forever =)

  17. to truly be alive is to truly know love

    until you begin to love do you begin to live

    Death can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while."

    "True love can blind you but at the same time if you let it, it can also open your eyes."

    When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly."

  18. "Love is just a word till someone you meet gives it a meaning."

    "Life is only worth living once you've found someone worth dying for."

    "Love Is Running Into His Arms Colliding

    With His Heart And Exploding Into His Soul."

    Somewhere There's Someone Who Dreams Of Your Smile,

    And Finds In Your Presence That Life Is Worth While,

    So When You Are Lonely Remember It's True;

    Somebody Somewhere Is Thinking Of You

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