
What is an analogy for nucleolus in an animal cell?

by Guest89  |  earlier

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  1.  It forms around specific chromosomal regions in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, and is made up of proteins and ribonucleic acids. Its function is to transcribe ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and combine it with proteins to form incomplete ribosomes.

  2.  The nucleus is the brain of the cell knows what's going on and conrols everything,so it would be like the general manager of whatever. the necleolus would be like the asst. GM also making similar big desicions 

  3. you kids are retarded.

  4. HYPOTHALAMUS OR NEVOUS SYSTEM and capillary endothelium


  6. If the nucleus is a factory then the nucleolus is the workers

  7. Guest17199207 and your grammar is terrible.

  8.  s**t

  9.  nucleus would be the brain, and the nucleoulus would be like the nerves and c**p

  10. well firstly, a nucleus is the brain since it controls all of the cell's functions. a nucleolus contains the RNA(ribonucleic acid) used to make proteins. u know you can always ask your teacher and what not, i ALWAYS do. i have a project due monday too, and i have to find an analogy. with all this info, i should b able to find somthing.....:(

  11. that is totaly rong about the brain, thats thenucleus not the nucleolus! im in 6th grade and already no this!!! whats rong america

  12. that is totaly rong about the brain, thats thenucleus not the nucleolus! im in 6th grade and already no this!!! whats rong america

  13. The nucleolus stores the materials that will be used later to make ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

  14. a brain

  15. a brain

  16. Someone what is a Nucleolus plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz i am only 13 years and i dont want to flunk school

  17. I really dont know!!!! I have a project in Science due this Monday January 11 2010!! OMFG!

  18. i dont know

  19. omg it seems we need that all answered I've seen some places that say its like the brain but....... they say the same thing about the nucleus which i know is different then the nucleolus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. wow. An analogy for a nucleolus in an animal cell is:

    The nucleolus is like a brain because the nucleolus stores the information needed for the manufacture of protiens, just like a brain stores information, like what is needed to survive and function.

  21. What is an analogy for a nucleoulus?? I have a project due this monday,, nd i can't find it anywhere!

  22. i need that ansewed too!! im soo stuck

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