
What is an angel?

by Guest58178  |  earlier

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What is it? Is it a he or a she? Does it has a gender? I do belive in extraterrestrial, but I don't know about angels. What is the job of an angel? What do you think?




  1. A being from the beyond that has an interest in watching over your physical and emotional welfare.

  2. ANGEL


    1. one of a class of spiritual beings; a celestial attendant of God. In medieval angelology, angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders (seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principalities or princedoms, archangels, and angels).  

    2. a conventional representation of such a being, in human form, with wings, usually in white robes.  

    3. a messenger, esp. of God.  

    4. a person who performs a mission of God or acts as if sent by God: an angel of mercy.  

    5. a person having qualities generally attributed to an angel, as beauty, purity, or kindliness.  

    6. a person whose actions and thoughts are consistently virtuous.  

    7. an attendant or guardian spirit.  

    8. a deceased person whose soul is regarded as having been accepted into heaven.  

    9. Informal. a person who provides financial backing for some undertaking, as a play or political campaign.  

    10. an English gold coin issued from 1470 to 1634, varying in value from 6s. 8d. to 10s. and bearing on its obverse a figure of the archangel Michael killing a dragon.  

    11. Slang. an image on a radar screen caused by a low-flying object, as a bird.  

    -verb (used with object)

    12. Informal. to provide financial backing for.


  3. Some of God's solders,Adam,Noah and those before and after them....I don't think a gender is need in the spiritual realm.....I believe they have different duties,some are to protect God's chosen,some are to teach through through the spirit,and some are just waiting for God's command to prepare the way of the final test..Some will also be destroyed...My thoughts/Bibicial..I also believe that we are angels of the Lord he on earth through our actions..Blessings Yahoo

  4. The angels of God are first talked about in Genesis chapter 16 and continues through to the last book of Revelation.

    Angels of God are:

    - Messengers:  Gen 16:17

    - Rescuers: Psa. 34:7

    - Drivers:  Psa. 35.5

    - Pursuer:  Psa. 35:6

    - Guards:  Psa 91:11 and Luke 4:10

    - Watchers:  Dan. 4:7

    - Preachers of eternal gospel:  Rev. 14:6

    - Testify of Jesus:  Rev. 22:16

  5. Definition of Angel


    n. 1. A messenger.

    The dear good angel of the Spring,

    The nightingale.

    - B. Jonson.

    2. A spiritual, celestial being, superior to man in power and intelligence. In the Scriptures the angels appear as God's messengers.

    O, welcome, pure-eyed Faith, white-handed Hope,

    Thou hovering angel, girt with golden wings.

    - Milton.

    3. One of a class of "fallen angels;" an evil spirit; as, the devil and his angels.

    4. A minister or pastor of a church, as in the Seven Asiatic churches.

    Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write.

    - Rev. ii. 1.

    5. Attendant spirit; genius; demon.

    6. An appellation given to a person supposed to be of angelic goodness or loveliness; a darling.

    When pain and anguish wring the brow,

    A ministering angel thou.

    - Sir W. Scott

  6. First of all, there is a difference between a spirit and a being or body. When we die, our spirit leaves our body to find another. Angels are spirits who are not inhabiting a body. Contrary to popular belief, angels are not people in white clothes with halos. My mother has seen an angel and they are tall, have dark cloaks and you cannot see their faces. The best way to picture them is to watch the end of A Muppets Christmas Carol. The angel or spirit of the future looks very similar to real angels. The angels mentioned in the Bible have been chosen by God to stay in Heaven (or whatever you believe in) to help the spirits who still inhabit human bodies. I believe that when God feels your spirit is ready to stay in heaven and they are done on Earth, he will keep you in Heaven. Also, the moving between bodies can explain how people have memories of their spirit's past lives. Please anyone who has more questions about past lives, angels, reincarnation or anything else spiritual, please feel free to email me!


  7. creation of mind

  8. Some of God's solders,Adam,Noah and those before and after them....I don't think a gender is need in the spiritual realm.....

  9. I don't believe in the supernatural. So, for me, it is a heavenly female, or an innocent child, or maybe person who does a wonderfully good thing, or maybe someone who saves my butt when I am in deep doo doo.

  10. "The Great Idea of "Angel" is a subset of a larger field of philosophical inquiry, that of purely intelligible entities.

    These intelligibles or knowables are "purely" discerned in that they are completely immaterial. They have no material mode of expression in our 3-D world. This means that, if they are to be known by us, such knowledge will not be aided by the viewing of a material body; rather, their existence must be affirmed apart from sensorial means and apprehended by our minds "purely."

    Stated another way, some of the ancients believed that

    purely intelligible entities -- for example, eternal ideas, as Plato would have it -- exist independently from our minds, in their own right, even when we are not thinking about them.

    Within this order of purely intelligible entities, there is the realm of purely intelligent beings: intelligences as knowers.

    Aristotle thought of these purely intelligent beings as the initiating prime-movers of the celestial bodies of the universe.

    Polytheistic religions of the ancient world conceived of demi-gods or inferior deities as beings superior in nature and power to man. "The polytheist and the philosopher, the Greek and the barbarian," writes Gibbon, "were alike accustomed to conceive a long succession, an infinite chain of angels, or daemons, or deities, or aeons, or emanations, issuing from the throne of light."

    All of these are examples of purely intelligent beings, and in this company we must include the "angels" of Jewish and Christian theologians.

    In the Bible the word angel refers to a "messenger" of God, one communicating the will of the Divine to humankind.

    Aquinas devotes a substantial section of his Summa Theologica to the subject of angels -- their various kinds, nature, functions and hierarchy. Aquinas, unlike Plato and his eternal ideas, does not view angels as merely intelligible entities but as pure intelligences.

    Why has the subject of angels been an interest of both theologians and philosophers?

    (1) There is the obvious aspect of angels as integral element of the divine economy; anyone, both theologian or philosopher, wanting to know more about God and the nature of his realm will, of necessity, and natural course, seek to explore the world of angels.

    (2) But the study of angels, however, lends itself very ably not only to the study of God -- but to the study of humankind. Angels, as immaterial spirits, find consonance with the immaterial aspects of humanity, the soul and the mind; and the study of angels in this regard has also been the focus of both theologian and philosopher.

    The concept of angel as pictorial metaphor, as thought-experiment, of how an entity might function without moorings in matter; of how an intellect, unopposed by irrational passion, might express itself; of how evil might arise even among such beings -- all this has appealed to thinkers for a long time.

    As such, much of the debate and discussion concerning angels has taken place among those who do not necessarily subscribe to their existence; this is quite logical as it is reasonable to employ

    angel as hypothesis, angel as working thought-model or mental construct of the larger problem of how the purely intelligible might impinge upon the world of matter. " (short version) (long version)
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