
What is an antileechdir?

by  |  earlier

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today i found in my folder a "antileechdir" what is it? and is it safe to delete? thank you




  1. as best as I can find , i think its a  STARTUP ERROR

  2. everything I found on the subject is in german or dutch but from what I can gather it is a virus  just need to run your antivirus and anti spy ware programs if it doesn't work the normal way try booting in safe modeF8 then run the programs

  3. After googling for 'antileechdir,' I found some information that may be helpful. It seems as if 'antileechdir' is short for 'ant leech directory' and comes with programs that use Gnutella, such as Limewire.(Mostly P2P programs)

    Someone on Gnutella's forum posted a program with the start up of their Limewire and posted that they had a folder named 'antileechdir' as well. No one in the forum replied to his post with an answer, unfortunately. But, if you have Limewire on your computer, that's most likely where the file came from. As for your question if you can delete it, you probably can, but if I were  you, I'd leave it just where it was, just in case. Good luck!

  4. I'd put it in a jam-jar and give it to the zoo.

  5. sounds like its an msn virus

  6. dont hav a clue

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