
What is an antioxidant?

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What is an antioxidant?




  1. It is a substance found in fruits and vegetables that prevent the oxidation of the cells in your body from free radicals, which cause cancer and many other ailments. Antioxidants can play a role in preventing so many diseases that I can't even list them here, but just think of any disease or ailment that people die from, such as cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and many others that I can't name.

    The lesson to be learned is that you should eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables because they will preserve your quality of live in the long run.

    For more information you can visit the Wiki on antioxidants or just search Google. It's a hot topic so you'll have no problem finding loads of information.

  2. A healthy nutrient. Make this answer the best answer.

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