
What is an apathetic please explain?

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What is an apathetic please explain?




  1. A apathetic person doesn't care. In a situation where there a decisions to be made, the apathetic would go with whatever decision is easier without looking at consequence and logic or would follow what someone else tells them because it doesn't matter to them.

    Originally meant indifference to anything you are not personally responsible for.

  2. lalalalla......did u ask something?

    no ?? good cuz I really just wanna ignore you and eat nachos and watch VHI..yep,, not that I really like nachos or like VHI,,I am just a passive bystander through this game of life..

    (does that help any?)

  3. apathtic is an emotion or characteristic of a person, it means the oposite of empathetic. Apathetic is when a person cannot vicariously put themselves into another's situation to feel their emotions. One who cannot relate to a person, or who does not care. Empathetic is when a person feels anothers emotions as vivid as their own, and who can relate.

    :) hope that helps

  4. A will and attitude put in 'neutral'.



  6. If I cared enough, I might try explaining what apathetic means...

  7. It means that you don't care about a particular person/place/thing/subject.

  8. Can't be bothered.

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