
What is an appropriate bedtime for a 17-year-old girl?

by Guest59540  |  earlier

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During the summer, and during the school year, when she wakes up at about 7:15.

Thanks! (and please indicate your age in your post)




  1. I go to bed whenever I'm tired,, and sometimes much later than that. I'm 13 and during the school year I'm usually asleep at 12:30am and get up at around 6:00am. During the summer usually 3:30am and get up at around 11am-1pm.

  2. Well, at that age, I really wouldn't call it a "bedtime", I'd call it a curfew instead, because  the term bedtime is used for little children. She should be old enough to go to sleep when she's tired without an adult telling her. I was able to go to sleep whenever I wanted in 8th grade, but I always went to sleep around 10.  

  3. 31

    She needs at least 8 hours.

    Folks say they should have the sense to go to bed or deal with being tired. Well, kids don't and I certainly didn't have the sense. Otherwise legal adulthood would be earlier. It is a fact that the parts of the brain that control impulse control and rational decision making (consequence) isn't entirely matured yet in teens and even early 20 somethings.

    It's your job to ensure everything is done so that she can do her very best in school. Falling asleep in 1st period cuz she's yacking all night on the cell or computer isn't doing that.

    Summer time? Before you, that's all that matters, unless she has a job to report to.

  4. I'm 26 years old and i don't think I ever had a bedtime after I was 14 yrs old, and my Dad was super strict.  It didn't affect me at all.  My Junior year, I made A's and B's and my senior year, I made straight A's.  Also, I was allowed to sleep in on weekends.

  5. I'm 29.

    When I was 17 I went to bed whenever I wanted, as long I understood I had to accept the consequences (being tired, whatever).  She's going to have to learn sooner or later-are you going to wake her up when she's in college?

  6. im 15 about to be 16 in 2 months and my mother dont give me a set bedtime i go to sleep whenever i want to as long as i get up in the morning to go to school on time, keep my grades up, and don't have my teachers calling her cellphone saying i was sleep in class

  7. She's an adult. Let her go to bed when she wishes and she can learn the consequences of going to be to late.

  8. summer 11:00

    school    10:00

    I'm over 50

  9. At 17 I'd say no bedtime at all. She's not a child anymore.

  10. i'm 15


    when ever! depending on what i have to do the next day!

    School year:

    go to bed 1030

    get up 630

    thats for me

    but it just depends on how much sleep she requires!

  11. I dont think a 17 year old needs a bedtime. That said, teenagers do require a little more sleep than adults. you might have a rule that its computers , tv, cell phones off by a certain hour so everyone can have some quiet time.. and so that she can wind down from the day, but shes too old to be told when to sleep. This goes for the school year and for the summer.

    I am 32 and have seven younger siblings of various ages.  

  12. I am 17, I haven't had a bedtime in 5 years. No 17 year old should have a bedtime, if she chooses to go to bed at 10pm or 4am big deal eventually she'll learn that you can't stretch yourself far enough to consistently go to bed at 4am every single night. She is 17 and will be out of the house most likely in a year making her own decisions if you try to control her still this late in life, she'll have no sense of self control or responsibility for her own actions and take advantage of not having her parent trying to get her to go to bed on time. Give her some space and face the fact that she's growing up.

  13. This sounds kinda silly you shouldent be advising youre seventeen year old daughter on what time to go too bed at seventeen and if my mother tried to tell me what time to go to bed at id feel so weird dont you think she should get to decide herself give her some freedom!

  14. I'm 13 but I have at to deal with 17 year olds twice.

    She needs 7 hours of sleep at least. She may act like she has the energy in the morning but she may just be fooling herself. Being 13 I've done that several times. Although I'm still young enough to gather a little energy out of 4 hours of sleep. I did that at a youth group thing once. My brother regretted not getting enough sleep cause at 17 he would stay up until 1 am and have to get up at 6 am. That was because of work. My sister the same thing. So I say give her an 11 pm bedtime.

  15. i think at seventeen year old enough to know how much sleep u need..during the winter i would say 11:00pm or so..

    in the summer anytime

    I'm 20..

  16. there is no bedtime

  17. There doesn't need to be a bedtime! At 17, you're fully capable of determining when you want to go to bed. I'm 17, and I don't have a bed time. In the summer, I stay up til 4 AM, and sleep 'til 1:30 PM. No parents should give any child in their teens a bedtime, in my opinion, on weekends and during the summer. Even during the school year, a 17 year old is fully responsible enough to decide when to go to bed.

  18. I'm 41.  Your bed time depends on how much sleep you need.  When I was 17 my school bus came at 6:30. so I used to like to be asleep by 10 because I need 8 hours of sleep.  MY daughter is 15, goes to the same school I did and goes to bed at about 9:30.  She gets up at 5:30.  Again, she needs 8 hours sleep to feel good the next day.  It is really up to you.  You are not a child anymore, no one should have to tell you what time you need to go to bed.

  19. She'll be an adult in a year so she really shouldn't have a bedtime. She should be able to accept the consequense of not getting enough sleep.

    That being said - she should still have a curfew... There's nothing a responsible 17 yr old should be doing past midnight...

  20. ok, i'm 13 and my bed time is 10:30 pm. I have to be up by 6:30 am, and out the door by 6:45

  21. I'm 17

    During the summer i think you can go to bed when you are tired but the latest time i think should be 1:00am(i personally go to bed by 12:00am).

    During the school year between 11:00pm and 12:00 am seems reasonable. (I try to go  to bed at 11:00pm because i wake up at 5:30).

  22. at 17 you shouldn't need a bed time.

  23. I don't think a 17yo should have a bedtime. He/she should have a curfew though, you know, have to be home at a certain time however to tell a child that will be a legal adult in less than a year to go to bed at a certain time seems a bit controlling.

  24. Well i would say it's really her choice - i mean she has to realise that if she goes to bed late and has to wake up early, then she will be tired in the morning.

    I'm 16 - and pretty much go to bed when i want, although when i'm working the next day ,i go to bed at a reasonable time, to ensure i am fit and able to get myself up and such.

  25. I'm a mother of 3, so old enough.  I'd say that if she is reasonably responsible, no set bedtime, but perhaps in her room with no tv or computer after 10:30.  That way she can still stay up and read.  If she seems to be tired or hard to wake up, you can always move it up.

  26. Im 25.

    I think so long as she's getting up on time and doing what she needs to be doing and is responsible that there is no need for making her go to bed at a certain time. My parents only rule was that I was in my room by a certain time- I didn't necessarily have to go to sleep. I mean who cares if she's in her room reading a book or even talking on the phone? She's almost an adult, I think as long as she's not out on the town, what's the problem? If she can't get up and do what she's supposed to do and show that she can be a responsible almost adult, then I'd think about a bedtime.  

  27. Probably 10:00-10:30!!!

    I am 14 and I go to bed at 9:45-10:00!!

  28. You really don't need a bedtime, you're almost an adult.

    Just go to bed when you're tired, and don't stay up all night.

  29. I'm 22.

    At 17 I was a senior in High School, no bedtime. I went to bed whenever I wanted but I still had to accept the consequences and be tired the next day at school if I stayed up too late. If I was out with my friends I did have a curfew because I was still under my parents roof, but that didn't mean I was expected to go to bed, just be home at a decent hour.

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