
What is an appropriate time for dinner when inviting someone?

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I am having some formalish guests over for dinner...

What time should I tell them to come?




  1. You work a 9 to 5 shift. You are stuck in traffic for thirty minutes. Then you have to get dressed. Make sure the kids have a baby sitter.

    Why do I say all of this? Because 6:30 just isn't enough time. 7 o'clock is perfect for you and the guests. Have a great time!

  2. I'd say 7

  3. between 6:30-7:00. It usually works well when I have people over.

  4. I'd say 6:30 P.M.

  5. 7.30pm

  6. anytime between 6 & 7, or if you happen to know when they have dinner, then around that time

    we have a friend that eats later then we do, and when we have him over for dinner, we actually wait until closer his eating time then ours

  7. 6-6:30

  8. 6:30

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