
What is an appropriate way to thank my brother and?

by  |  earlier

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his wife for a magnificant meal? Mind you.. my brother is Buk...

Serious answers only please.




  1. You'd need to say nothing. Just get up and wash the d**n dishes! That would be reward enough.

    or say "hey that's just as good as ma's cooking. Any leftovers to take home?"  

  2. Who cares who your brother is.

  3. Stop reporting his questions.

    hehehe, kidding  :o)

  4. No need.

    Now let go of my hair.

  5. just belch really loud when you're finished

  6. Write them a beautiful note about their gracious and magnificent meal .. leave it where they will find it ... then offer to treat them by taking them out to eat sometimes.

  7. You could invite them over to a meal at your house.

  8. flowers are always nice


    bouquet of sausages

  9. i think ma has a point or two there,lol !

  10. Well for her I'd send a nice thank you, for Buk, I'd send a large ring of saugage and say stuff it bro. LMAO

  11. Send him a gift for the sausage of the month club!

  12. Short telephone call or email

  13. thank his wife.  i'm sure HE didn't have anything to do with it.

    he would probably appreciate being put in a headlock and a good hair pulling.  (or a dutch rub)  add where you grab a person's underwear and yank up for good measure.  (i forget what it's called)  

  14. say...thank you.

  15. call him and just thank him  

  16. 1. Stop pulling his hair.

    2. Stop putting spiders near his computer.

    3. Stop letting Lucy p**p in his house and blaming it on Bootsie and

    4. Why the heck wasn't I invited????



    "Who are you & what have you done with the real Buk?"

  18. be personal, ring her and tell them how much you enjoyed the meal,either that, what's their favourite wine , send a bottle round with a posy of  flowers and a thank you note

  19. Write a thank you note, attach it to the neck of a nice bottle of wine or a plant or chocolates and leave it on the doorstep as a surprise.

  20. hmm, i'm a little young but, i think you should buy a beautiful thank you card & give it to them

  21. thank you for tha magnificent meal

  22. FSK for him, (something different from the usual hair pulling ya him how special it was)  help the Mrs with the dishes etc. and offer to take him off her hands for an hour or so.

    Only an hour cause I know how hard it is to listen to his ramblings at times...sigh.

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