
What is an archaeologist?

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OK, I know "what" an archeaologist does, but who can call themselves an archeaologist? What kind of a degree allows you to call yourself an archeaologist? BSc? MSc? PhD?




  1. Archaeulologist,Archaeologist : Doktorandus,Dokterandus, Master, Maestro, Machiavelianist, Phytagoreanist, Adolfus,

    Adelfis, Oracles.

  2. Archaeologists study previous human cultures through the ruins they have left.  They do their best to reconstruct the essential outlines from the artifacts they find in their excavations.  Of course, the ruins cultures leave tell only a fragmentary story about their real nature, and archaeological studies leave a lot of important questions unanswered.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  3. Along with usually a college degree for most fieldwork, it is also the fact that true Archaeologists publish thier findings, and turn the artifacts over to an agency - either a state, or possibly private agency - for storage and analysis.  The other side of this is the "Looter" which is someone who doesn't have to have a formal education, and who excavates sites, by either finding artifacts on the surface, or digging test holes, and just looking for "goodies" that they usually sell in antique stores or online.  It's fun and may seem innocent to buy these artifacts online or from even a reputable antique store, but in reality, when a site has been looted, and there is no proveniance to these artifacts it hurts the site.  An unprovenianced artifact is both priceless and worthless at the same time - priceless because there are no two artifacts alike, no matter if it is an arrowhead, or a pot, or a pipe; and worthless because without proper proveniance there is no way to tell if an artifact is indeed real, and it holds no reliable information for the site.  The major point is that a true archaeologist is one who finds and excavates sites for the purpose of studying, sharing, and documenting sites, rather than just getting pretty stuff off of them.

  4. A BS you are an archaeologist, a Masters and a Phd basically opens the door for research and grants....more than a BS. Depending on what your career goals are is the level of degree you need to obtain. Working for a museum a Masters or Phd is all but required. To do field work a BS is fine.

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