
What is an average monthly payment for Business Liability Insurance for a construction company LLC?

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What is an average monthly payment for Business Liability Insurance for a construction company LLC?




  1. This would be based on your payroll, number of stories, residential or commercial construction, number of employees, etc.  There are many more variables, so really hard to give you an idea of a premium without more information.

    Contact a local independent insurance agent in your area.  An independent agent will have access to several markets and can work with you to provide the best coverage for the best premium.  Good Luck!

  2. There isn't one.  

    The type of business - sole prop, LLC, S Corp, is completely irrelevant.  Contractors, well, depending on exactly what they construct, and how much is subbed out, not to mention if the subs have insurance, the pricing for it can be anywhere from $2500 for GL to $250,000 and up.  It's based on your payrolls, sometimes gross sales depending on class, or cost of subs.  

    It's not sold on a monthly basis, but on an annual basis - and the policies are auditable.

    You'll need to talk to some agents to get quotes.  Oh, and the lower the premium, the less likely an insurance company will offer you "monthly payments".

  3. Be honest,It is gonna take some time to find the answer for your question.Try to have a look the resource here for reference.

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