
What is an average salary in Spain?

by Guest59327  |  earlier

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I will be moving to Barcelona for a job I have accepted. I would like to know an average salary for jobs in the feild of IT, finance, consulting. Maybe a high or low. What about other countries in Western Europe? Any help would be very much appreciated.




  1. I'd say in Barcelona, in these fields it would be between 2000 € and 4000 €, depending on how high your position is. If you get high it would be around 6.000 or more. As someone said up there it also changes a lot from one area of the country to other. Madrid or Barcelona are the most expensive cities, while in the South the salaries are lower but the cost of living is cheaper.  Portugal, Poland or Greece would pay a bit less but living there is cheaper, while other countries such as France, England or Germany would pay much more but the living would be more expensive. I would say Italy's salaries are a bit higher but not too much and living is much more expensive.

  2. I live in Spain but it´s difficult to put an average wage down as the whole country differs. In Spain the cost of living is much cheaper and the wages reflect that. Barcelona being Spain´s second largest city may have higher than average wage, but it will be less than the rest of Europe and significantly less than the UK & USA.

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