
What is an average starting salary for a person who has just obtained their A&P license?

by Guest44947  |  earlier

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I'm considering going to school for an A&P license, but I wanted to do some research into starting salary first, to make sure it's worth my time. I live in northern New Jersey, but am willing to relocate, so that's not a problem.

What would a good starting salary be? I suppose it differs from company to company, but I was just looking for ballpark figures for right now.

Also, does it make a difference (in pay) if I sought a job working primarily on rotary wing over fixed wing? Both are fine, I was just wondering if working on one paid more than the other. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.




  1. the industry is in chaos right now most new a&p mechanics will not find a job at a major airline. big airlines have long lists of layed off mechanics. if you work general aviation expect 10 -15 dollars per hour with little benefits and not much more at a regional airline. a major airline will start around 18 dollars per hr with a pay sacle that tops out in 5-7 years. if you can find a job at a major airline it will be most likely at a location nobody wants jfk lga sfo lax working weekends midnights holidays ect. i have over 20 years at an airline and like my job but there is always the threat of pay cuts and layoff. if i was just starting out i dont know if i would do this or not with fuel prices at this level its only going to get worse before it gets better.  good luck

  2. In 2004, I got my 1st job at $15/hour. Now I get $20/hour. I work for a small airline close to home. There's more money to be made at the big airlines. Most require 2 years turbine experience. Plenty of jobs in EWR. Continental Airlines is one carrier with a big maintenance operation there. They start out less than $20/hour, but you move up really fast.

    I don't know if helicopter guys make more money. One thing to remember is that when you go to school to learn about airplanes, you're learning about machines and structures in general. The knowledge and skill you gain there will be useful in many trades.

    Continental is hiring for EWR right now.

  3. Good helio A&Ps are hard to come by and from what I've seen out here in California they get paid much more.  think about who flys helicopters- news and law enforcement mainly.  So if you get good training on helicopters you would definately be an asset.  Airlines are laying off right now, so you might have to think creatively as far as jobs go.  Jobs like fire fighting plane mechanic.  these are private govt' contractors and those planes need to be ready all the time, so they aren't as likely to experience layoffs.  Out here you can make from 30k to 50k/ year starting off, but it does depend on where you work.  Also elevator repair companies like A&Ps and they make good money.  Elevators must always run.  Its a good back up plan.  Here in the Bay Area the local subway system likes A&Ps too.  So there are other options out there if things go bad in aviation, you just might have to hustle a little bit.

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