
What is an average time for a girl in the 5k?

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I am more of a mid distance person and I have trouble running more than a mile at a fast pace. My mile time was about 7:40. My 800 time was 2:45 and 400 is 65. Will I be able to run an average time with working on my endurance and training hard?




  1. when i was 12 i ran an outdoor 5 k like up and down mountain type one in 23 minutes and most of the girls were around 30-35.  but if ur talking like a flat surface then  id say 25 to 30 minutues

  2. You sounds very quick to me. When you don't start to quickly, I expect that you'll be able to do the 5 kilometers in 21 minutes, maybe even 20 minutes!!!

    The average time for a girl will be around 30 minutes, I think.

  3. In high school crosscountry I'd say the average for a 5K would be 19-22 minutes. I think right now you could probably run in it in about 25 minutes, but with training I'm sure in you'll be able to get your time down to that range.

  4. You will prolly end up around a 25 minute time but you have potential ot build up the endurance needed.

  5. "Average" time is impacted by age, too, not just gender.

    The McMillan Running Calculator would indicate that *with proper training* your 7:40 mile time should be roughly a 26:30 5k time, and that may well be most accurate.

    BUT, it would indicate your 2:45 800 could potentially be trained to a 21 minute 5k, and your 65 400 could potentially be trained to an 18 minute 5k.

    I'm not sure if a 26:30 5k time, which is roughly an 8:30 pace, would be considered "average" for your age and gender division at any given 5k -- depends on the race and competition. Your times in the shorter distances would indicate *theoretical* potential to be a top divisional finisher in even the more competitive, however.

  6. you sound like me.. except my times are a little faster... i run it in about 25 pretty easily. just go out and see for yourself

  7. i usually take around 24 min. and my mile time is around 6 minutes. the average is somewhere from 20-30 min.

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