
What is an average weight for a 13 yr girl 5 ft 2?

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  1. Your ideal weight would be 110 lbs so above 130 lbs could be regarded as overweight and below 90 lbs could be regarded as underweight.

  2. Well, i'm 13..

    And i'm also 5'2

    Haha.. weird..

    Well I weigh 105.

    But I exercize alot.

    Everyones weight varies, on there body type, and diet.

    Hope this helps :)

    - T :)

  3. probably about 110 to 115.

    it all depends on how much you work out though.

    muscle weighs more than fat.

  4. I'm 13

    and im

    5"2 to 5"5

    I weigh 120ish lbs..

    I'm 1/2 sporty,

    so I guess your average

  5. My friend is 135 but she has big b***s and my other friend is 125 and they are both 5'2 and 5'3 they are both stunning even if you were more just be 140 or less 140-150 is good but you can stand to lose a bit of weight then!

  6. around 55 kg

  7. The average weight for this category is 95-105lbs (pounds).

  8. In my opinion you shouldn't be worrying about your weight right now.  Unless you're over 150 lbs and more than 90 lbs, you're probably very healthy.  It also depends on your body frame.  Some people have bigger bones, broader shoulders, some have small frames, but we all carry our weight differently.  Someone who weighs and is as tall as you are might wear a different pants size!  It just depends on how the weight is distributed.

    As a general rule, you should start at 100 lbs for 5 feet, and add 5-10 lbs for each additional inch.  If you're 5'2", 110-120 is probably perfect if you're a full grown woman.  Being that you're younger and still developing, 100-115 is probably more realistic.  If you weigh more than that though, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong.  Weight is just a number, and you're young enough that you're body is going to go through a ton of different changes before it settles into what will be your adult body shape.

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