
What is an awesome team name?

by  |  earlier

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I have to mentor a group of sophomores on the first day of school and we're supposed to come up with a team name for them? some people i know are doing stuff like "crazy cows" or like "the ninjas" but i want mine to be a bit snazzier....i was tossing around "spittin' cobras" and "fighting armadillos" but yeahh any suggestions would be nice..




  1. smarty panty

  2. wild tigers

  3. panthers

  4. Babes in blue

    Pink people

    Orange Psychos

    Green all nigters

    Purple speed demons

    Killer ice men from mars

    Huffen puffen huns

    Teal tornados

    6 Littlerascals

    Purple power girl

    Divas in blue

  5. How about the "Brain Train" for a name with double meaning?

  6. Gnarly nerds!!!

  7. Ring Leaders

  8.   The Dragons

       The Lolly Pops

        or The Spuds    

  9. Students Like Teachers


    The Green Minds. lol.

  10. How about a name that has something to do with your school's mascot?

    some simple suggestions:

    the jazzy jedi's

    the puffin dragons .... haha :)

    the hot tamales

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