
What is an axon terminal/nerve ending and what is its job as part of the neuron?

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Also, what are the other parts of the neuron?

And what is the structure and function of a neuron?





  1. The "job" (as you put it) of a nerve ending/axon terminal is (1) to synthesize chemical neurotransmitters, (2) store those transmitters, (3) release those transmitters upon demand, (4) recapture those transmitters after they have acted on the next cell.  Other parts of the neuron include cell body (soma), dendrites, axon, and some have a myelin sheath.

  2. a nerve cell has a body with arms coming off it called dendrites, and one long arm that extends further than the others called an axon. neurons send information via an electrical change called an action potential. the axon's job is to deliver the action potential over great distances. the axon terminal will communicate with something like a muscle that will react to the action potential, for example, by contracting.


    nerve body creates the AP, axon delivers it, axon terminal communicates with some other cell, that other cell responds.

    check out wikipedia, it's pretty accurate

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