
What is an easy and effective Martial Art to learn?

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I am trying to break into the MMA world and basically am just working on my striking and wrestling skills right now, I don't even really know what Martial art school to take up.. What is an effective and easy to learn Martial Art I could pick up on and be an effective offensive weapon with?




  1. Jiu-jitsu :)***

  2. For striking:

    Start with Muay Thai [four weapons, fist, elbows, knees, and feet]

    Like to punch try Boxing

    Like to kick try Taekwondo

    else try Karate good for beginners

    For Grappling:

    Start with Jujutsu [very effective especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu]


    Freestyle Wrestling [great conditioning and very common in the USA]

    are you short try Judo [very powerful throws especially if you have a low center of gravity]

  3. I am going to say Kempo Karate. This martial art teaches one how to defend themselves on the street, if you're looking for something that will help you defend yourself from jerks in the streets, or bar fights, this is a good martial art for you.

  4. as a fighter ill tell u that u got it all wrong.  BJJ, Wrestling, Kickboxing Muay Thai, Boxing all are very very hard styles of fighting.  It takes time to learn any of them.  If your working on your wrestling, slowing incoporate bjj.  as far as boxing slowing incoporate kickboxing and then on to muay thai.  its not a sport of one style anymore.

  5. Kickboxing, and it's not that expensive.

    The reason that I'm suggesting kickboxing, is because it teaches you all the basic moves.  Other forms of martial arts are real advanced.

    Take up kickboxing, get a feel for kicking & punching.

    Then learn a advanced kung-fu style, such as Jujitsu.

  6. wrestling is if your in school. if not then boxing. both are key for mma and are the cheapest

  7. Jujitsu - whether BJJ or japanese - is the quite practical in terms of their disregard for strength. As already stated, any martial arts takes time to learn, however, with jujitsu (japanese or BJJ), you dont have to do as much strength conditioning as you would for another art, say, muay thai or karate where you would need to constantly condition your striking strength, your knuckles and hands, etc.

    Unless, of course, you want to.

  8. i think a good easy martial art is karate.

    like kickboxing it teaches the basic kicks and punches, but if you keep going with it you can learn some more advanced moves and maybe weapons training.

  9. No martial art is easy to learn.  Any ART takes time to learn.  You can go to any school and learn the basics, but in order to be effective, it takes years of training with instructors who have dedicated their lives to the ART.  Trying to go the "fly by night route" in your pursuit of MMA glory will probably find you in the hospital or a very short career in MMA.

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