
What is an easy and simple lesson plan for preschoolers learning Language arts content?

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Just need some creative ideas on how I can teach language arts that is age appropriate for pre-schoolers. I'm brainstorming right now and would like some fun ideas.

Thank you.




  1. i play this game when i was in like 1st grade but how about pick a letter and they have to figure out as many adjectives(describing word) as they can or verbs(things that you do).....make them work in groups so they can work together ...☺

  2. Reading to children, especially books that rhyme words, aids in language arts. Books written by Dr Seuss are good.  I planned a complete lesson on "Green Eggs and Ham"

    I included the color Green

    We had a cooking lesson making green cookies - after tasting them the children realized that although they were green they tasted the same (used some food coloring)

    At the end the children illustrated the book in their own way.

  3. I have the pre-k class keep a three ring binder as their journal. They are given either a letter, like J and then they are to draw a picture of something that starts with a J. One of my children even drew a journal. Not that the pictures are always a work of great art but then they dictate to me what they have drawn. Other times I might ask them what they like to do in the rain. I always write down what they say and have them help read it back to me.

  4. I've always had great luck using music; kids that age love music, making up songs...i.e. the ABC song.

    There are lots of language art songs to start with..."polly put the kettle on..." and it really is fun to see how creative this age group can carry on.

  5. Are you focusing on any particular letter?  You could have them make a book  - color the pages, cut it out - or you could make a valentine's book - 1, 2, 3 on the first page - see this bee?  with a picture of a bee on the second page.  He's here to say Happy Valentine's day with a big heart on the last page. It could even be their valentine gift to their parents.

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