
What is an easy way to get in shape for volleyball?

by Guest58778  |  earlier

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I have about 6 months ton get ready for volleyball season. ANy suggestions on how i should do this?? I need something that is easy to stick to..




  1. Just every day go some where you can practice and practice for about 20 minutes. Just go over the basics and some drills.

  2. get a partner or just urself..and work on short passing and long passing. and some digging and hitting. you can do some running. but only like twice a week. just to stay in shape

  3. There is no "easy way". If a workout is easy, then it's not a workout and not very useful aside from burning some calories.

  4. If you can afford a personal trainer, it would be the "easiest" way to go, as you don't have to watch any over-do for yourself, and you are obligated to go 'cause you already put the money down :)

  5. practice, practice, practice and try going to the gym and working out

  6. The volleyball player is similar to the basketball player, but the VB player does not have to run as much.  Jumping and quickness are more important.  Witht that being said, being in shape is still very important.  I would work up to running 2-3 miles 3 times a week.  This will get you in excellent shape in 6 months.

    Then like many have said practice the fundamentals over and over.  To improve finger strength, practice setting with a basketball.

  7. i'm a volleyball player and this is what we do during our trainings. you can start by jogging around at least thrice a week. You don't need to jog too much. 5 laps around the volleyball court would be enough. then, go over the basics. like proper reception of the ball, spiking and good service. you can play with a wall as your opponent.

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