
What is an easy way to learn France?

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What is an easy way to learn France?




  1. There are many ways ot learn a language in general and french in particular. Taking classes, reading, watching french material, listening to tapes and music or news stations. Ther are all effective as long as you are in a mindset and focused enough, motivated enough. It requires lots of self discipline if you do it yourself.

    One of the easy ways to learn it is to speak with others. French and spanish and italian are close from a speaking point. If you know any of those other languages it will be pretty easy to understand french when you read it. The words are similar. The pronunciation will be learned only if you speak it with someone.

    My advise would be to visit this website :

    It will teach you easy expressions and you can hear your lesson.

    Also buy a dictionnary and read through it from time to time. It will build your vocabulary easily.

  2. An easy way to learn French, is to listen and speak a lot , and , at least at the beggining,  not to take care about grammar, wich is particulary dificult.

  3. I take it that you want to ask for an easy way to learn French.

    My opinion is that the best way to learn any language is to completely immerse yourself in it. That is, living amongst people who speak only French.

    That may not be the easiest way but its the most effective.


    a penpal

  5. Just learn to throw your hands in the air and wave a white flag, and you will know France.

  6. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,naturellment ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,en anglaterre!

  7. rosetta stone lessons

  8. A few things I do to learn how to get by in a foreign country with a different language:

    1.  Download language lesson podcasts or buy language CDs and upload them to my iPod.  I intermix the lessons with music that reminds me of the country I am going to visit.  The music keeps me interested and breaks up the spoken word monotony.  I always listen to my language playlist on the plane ride over to the country I am visiting to keep the language fresh in my mind.  

    2.  For common languages, like French, I watch DVDs of my favorite movies (ones that I almost know by heart), first in English with French subtitles, and then in French with English subtitles, and finally just in French to see how much I can understand.

    3.  Visit the country.  No matter how foolish you feel, make an attempt to speak the language in all interactions.  When you return home, pick up the podcasts and language lessons again to keep the language fresh in your mind.

    As mentioned previously, immersion (living in the country and speaking the language nearly exclusively) is the quickest way to learn.

    Unless you are a very young child, there is no "easy" way to learn to speak another language proficiently.  It takes time and patience and practice.

  9. What part of France do you want to learn about?

  10. go to france and work there..

  11. There is a cd rom class called instant immersion French...i got it in best  buy for 20 bucks is easy and u can learn the basics,,,im going to france for the spring break and i will take the opportunity to learn the language in 4 days...

  12. If you mean learn the French language, you could download the free BBC lessons or the french podcasts

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