
What is an easy way to put a password on a folder on my computer so nobody else can open it?

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What is an easy way to put a password on a folder on my computer so nobody else can open it?




  1. I don`t think you can put a password on your folder, but you can probably make a new account on your computer, and put a password on that, therefore nobody can access it!

  2. You can put a password on a folder i believe. What you could do though is make the folder "invisible" so no one else can see it ..

    to do that, just log onto and then search for "how to make invisible folder" or something onlong those lines, and you should come up with some pretty good stuff.

  3. DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Use 7-zip and create an encrypted archive with a password

  5. Three  Ways

    #1 Best Way Here:

    Software for encryption...easy to use

    #2 If you have a log in password for your account, this can be used to protect folders from other users. Your hard drive must be formatted using NTFS (which it probably is unless you're dual booting with another operating system). Here's what to do...

    Right-click the folder that you want to make private and choose "Properties" (or Alt+Double-click). Go to the "Sharing" tab and check the "Make this folder private" box.

    Click Apply . If you do not have a password on your account, a box will pop up asking if you want to assign a password. This must be done if you want to make the folder private, so click Yes . You will need to use your password to log on to your computer from then on.

    Type in a password then confirm it. Click the "Create Password" button then close the Password window.

    Click OK in the Properties dialog box.

    Now anyone else logged on to your computer can't access that file without knowing your password.

    #3 If the Folder is Zipped you can give it a unique password.

    Just double-click the zipped folder. In the top menu select File then click "Add a Password".

    Type a password into the Password box. Then again in the "Confirm Password" box.

    Now, you are the only person who can access files in this folder. The folder can be opened allowing the files to be seen, but you are the only one who can access them.

  6. Yes, create folder, password protect the folder, and put your password in a text or .doc file in that folder.

    But then you need to remember the password to the folder...

    Just write it on a sticky pad or in a notebook, it's easier that way.

  7. Right-click on the folder's Properties, and go to the Sharing tab. Check off the box for Make this Folder Private, and check off the option to make all sub-folders Private as well. That's the easiest way.

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