
What is an effective and economical way to clean/rinse my wetsuits?

by  |  earlier

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just like everything on the web....opinions opinions opinions i feel that manufacturers or retailers post their opinions to sell you more products. this is why i want to hear this from people like you and me who have true experiences in this subject.

i have six 3mm extra stretch neoprene wetsuits for the family, and it's a big hassle to handwash them after a dive or a swim. i mean we're generaly exhausted and/or hungry@ that point.

my question is:

what is wrong and how bad could it be? if i was to run them on gentle or delicate cycle in he washing machine, and then hung them to dry in the shade since sunlight is bad for the material.

your experiences and answers are appreciated.




  1. you can put them in the washing machine. but make sure not to use soap or heat, just put it on a 'wrinse' setting.

  2. I have a full length triathlon wetsuit. I hang it up on a hanger in the shower with me while I shower. I use liquid soap and rinse well, then leave it there to dry. It works for me, but I understand it might be unwieldy for the number you need to do.

  3. my huband has a 6mm and a 3mm and I tend to throw them in the washer after he gets done using them one at a time of course I also put in a little dish soap but he works with them they are not just for fun and as for the dish soap just alittle dab will do ya or you can spray them with the power nosle on the water hose I have done that to good luck

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