
What is an effective environmentally friendly kitchen cleaner?

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What is an effective environmentally friendly kitchen cleaner?




  1. method has great products. as well as 7th generation

  2. Hi, I use vinegar--either whie or apple vinegar will kill bacteria.  Try mixing it with water.  Half vinegar, half water. Plus, Baking soda is slightly abrasive and gets rid of odors. You can get more hints at

  3. is the perfect website for this question!!! It's a website where fellow greeners can share ideas, concerns, and get informed on our environment and trying to save it!

  4. Baking soda, borax, white vinegar, lemon.

  5. I like Seventh Generation cleaning products and Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day products. They use natural environmentally friendly ingredients that are also safe! I also like Eco Pure products as well!

  6. Simple Green is supposed to be biodegradable and is very effective.

  7. Baking soda and a towel as an abrasive scrubber for pots and pans, even with burnt cheese or sugar,

    mix baking soda and water and let it sit on a stain will break it down

    will work wonders on stove grime and grit, about the same tries as it would take with a toxic brillo pad or sos pads without that slimy blue stuff-yuck that's so 1950

    Peroxide as a disinfectant

    Baking soda and vinegar mixed down your drain for a disinfectant/all things grimy killer

    Back to baking soda works really well to whiten kitchen sinks or make things like new

    The biodegradable Mr. Clean sponge, don't know the ingredients, but the fact that it disintegrates while using it makes it environmentally friendly plus it removes pen marks off of microfiber, walls, clothes,  and doesn't get thrown in the trash like a sponge or even a towel--no soap required

    Ecover dish soap smells wonderful in chamomile and is gentle on your hands, is septic friendly, and the bottle is recyclable #1 or #2

  8. A gate to keep the kids from making such a mess in the first place.

  9. Elbow grease

  10. white vinegar

  11. Great question. You can do pretty much all of your household cleaning with different combinations of vinegar, baking soda, washing soda, borax, and liquid detergent. Of course, Proctor & Gamble, SC Johnson, and Lysol would like you to think otherwise.

    Here's a link that I've found useful:

  12. I know of one line of products available on the web where no animal testing is or ever has been done on any of its products including cosmetics which has lots of well known companies that do.  You may not like the name but most do:  Shaklee Corp.  I have used the products for 26 years and have researched it extensively.  Like people-you can tell a lot about an individual by his associates, right?  So go here and check out the the associates of Shaklee.  I like to ask this question:  What does a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Healthy Child-Healthy World (non profit child centered organization), Will Steger, the US EPA, the Wild Dolphin Project, Ocean Alliance(a recognized global leader in whale research and conservation), and American Forests (a world leader in planting trees for environmental restoration) all have in common?

  13. Baking soda!

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