
What is an emo person?

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my freinds keep saying emo means gothic but i am confused.




  1. someone who dresses in black and has dark hair and makeup. Usually, they do drugs too but not always

  2. Emo means you get emotional.

    Goths are kind of Music orientated.

    Emo =

    Goth =

  3. emo is short for "emotional" and it basically means guyliner, skinny jeans, and lots of teen angst

  4. Kinda the opposite of Elmo, I think. (Well.... think about it!) Elmo is all happy and quite ok with himself... Emo's seem like the flip-side of that. Who makes up all these tag-names anyway??? I'm still not even sure what a troll is (even though people refer to them all the time here).

  5. an emotional person.

  6. Emo does mean gothic as in goth black skulls ☠

  7. a person that cries alot. Who puts there bangs all in front of there face and a person that worries to much and cry alot about bad things cuz thats all they think about. (THey even scream when there singing)

  8. It's kinda like someone who cuts themselves just for attention. Sometimes they do try to kill themselves and thats why they are called emo... Also, most of them are posers.. which you could call the people who cut themselves for attention..not all of them cut though..they act all depressed, wear dark clothes, etc... its kinda complicated, but thats about the best i can explain it...there are too many labels out there!!

  9. its short for emotional. sometimes they cut themselves but not all of them do.

  10. A person that looks like an ostrich.

  11. look it up on google images
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