
What is an emotional breakdown or depression like? Or what are the feelings like?

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What is an emotional breakdown or depression like? Or what are the feelings like?




  1. you feel like the world has turned its back on you..its a case of stop the world I want to get off!  

  2. ummm. well being depressed is rlly crappy.

    i used to be depressed and it got to the point where i cut myslef.

    i would not try i t if you are ever depressed.

    it did help me for the moment i will emit that but, it getsyou into a huge mess.

    i am not sure on how to explain what it is like to be depressed.

    it rly suxs tho.

  3. You feel the weight of the world on your shoulders,

    You feel like you want to cry and never stop,

    You feel like you want to curl up and disappear,

    You feel like you want to DIE.

  4. i don't know... ._.

  5. The feelings vary from person to person. It depends on how you handle things. I suffered from severe depression and anxiety attacks. Trust me they are not fun. And medications are not always the answer!

  6. Everyone has a different reaction to stressful situations. Overwhelming problems or pressures in everyday life can lead someone to loose control of their composure.

    It is nothing to be ashamed of and the feelings that are felt sometimes actually are a shutting down of feelings. Overload causes the emotions to not react. A shutting down of the feelings is thought to make the problems go away, which is irrational.  

  7. its like wanting to die, and to be able to kill everyone you know.  

  8. emotionally: in most cases you don't even feel like living anymore, you feel lonely, you don't like yourself, you lose interest in things you used to love, and you just have no motivation.

    physically: you're tired all the time, you just want to sleep, etc.  

  9. An emotional breakdown is an attack of mental or emotional disorder, especially when of sufficient severity to require hospitalization. Depression is a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies.

    The feelings are like: just not caring about anything, if the world was going to blow up in 10 minutes it wouldn't matter to you at all and you wouldn't be afraid, wanting to die and thinking of ways to do it, the most horrible emptiness you could possibly imagine, feeling lost and alone with no one to talk to (and not wanting to), not connected to anyone or anything (even loved ones), it's like you're out in space... even though you know you're still on the ground, when it gets really bad you stop taking care of yourself (eating, sleeping, bathing, etc) because it doesn't matter. There's many more symptoms, but too long to list.  

  10. It's like you have already conquered the world, but still hopeless.

  11. Emotional breakdown is where you have no control of your emotions what so ever.  You can even laugh when you should be crying and vice versa.  You can't get a grip on any of your emotions.

    Depression can be sadness, moody, sleeping a lot, closing out others & being a loner, thoughts of suicide, change of diet, change of personal hygiene in some cases.  Being the opposite of what you usually are.

    Generally, the feeling is hopelessness.  Not feeling wanted or needed, useless.  Like there is only one answer to a problem, when there are really more answers.  Negative.  Even tunnel vision.  

    If you think you might be depressed or you know someone who might be, it is suggested that you seek help for yourself or the other person you might know.  Left untreated, it can have a very bad outcome.

  12. for me I could not eat and lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks could not stop crying

    hid under the covers as soon as I got home from work and could barley get through my day at work. could not watch tv read a magazine or a bood. Felt so sad but did not realy know why and

    I obsessed over my 16 year old only felt calm when was with her

    and could not care about the others. Funny, sad thing about that

    is the 14 year old is much more careing and less selfish then the

    16 year old so it made no sence to me why I obsess over her.

    Got on meds and slowely got better .

  13. It is a break from reality. The feelings are encompassing and debilitating, Life takes on a Greyness that no amount of sunshine can break through. The ability to love and to be loved becomes impaired. People do not see the same world you see It is like being drunk on a complete lack of endorphines and dopamine. Love that is given is impossible to be received. Your core is bare raw and will maifest as crying uncontrolably, possible self mutilation to at least FEEL SOMETHING. Being here is disorienting. Taking me back to where I have been is literally painful. Hold on to love , your loved ones and God. When you drink too much(not you personally) you make sometimes rash and stupid decisions. The same can result from the chemical imbalance suffered by the depressed or imbalanced. You do not ever want an emotional breakdown. That is a supernatural place to be. A h**l on earth that takes your core and tears and shakes it until you have nearly zero control over the immense weight that is on your shoulders. If you are here in this h**l and do not see a way out immediately get help. Dial 911. In the next minute you may do something you will regret. Get help for you or someone else if the depression is dangerous. You will know.

      Help is in God. The hole that can never be filled can only be filled by God. Even then it is a battle that can rage for years.

  14. you'll find out someday.

  15. It's horrible.  You feel like there is nothing left in the world to live for, you just feel like you want to end it.  Nothing will make you feel better, but just the slightest thing can make you feel even worse.  Sometimes it will take hours to feel even a little bit better, or sometimes it can take days.  I know what it's like to live through depression because I have bipolar, and let me tell you, it's not something that you enjoy.  And though you may feel better in a few days, it just comes back worse than ever.  You don't ever want to talk to anyone, and you just want to crawl into a ball and die.  But the best advice IS to talk to people, because only talking to people can make you better because you may be put on medication.  You can't get better by yourself.

  16. everyones symptoms can be diffrent. some people may cry, have sad feelings. feel like there numb like nothing matters. some people have physical symptoms such as, unable to sleep, thinking a lot, body aches. If you are feeling like you are depressed I strongly urge you to see a Dr. there is nothing to be ashamed of.

  17. okay, think of the saddest time in your life. how long did it last? what was it about? think of all the things that ran through your head and all the tears you cried and all the emotions you felt.  Now, imagine that every day for... no reason... you just feel all those emotions for no real reason.  thats what having depression is like, for me.  

  18. terrible. Its happen to me. Feel lonely, tired and stressed. Everything is black and white and is hard to be positive.

  19. depression is when you feel like nothing makes you happy. you don't want to do anything or talk to anyone because you feel like it's pointless and it won't help. you're sad all the time and you want to be alone. you sleep a lot, or sometimes you can't sleep. you just go along with your day because that's all you can do, but your heart is not in it.

    emotional breakdown is an overwhelming feeling, like you don't know what to do anymore, and you cry, go crazy, you want to scream. sometimes this helps in the healing process, you have to have an emotional breakdown in order to get it out of your system so that you can get yourself back together. or it leads to depression.

    hope this helps you sort out your feelings.

  20. depressed mood is often reported as being: "depressed, sad, hopeless, discouraged, or 'down in the dumps'

    I got depression. So the best place I found to research it is below. Just stay happy.

  21. .  You don't want to see anyone or  talk to anyone.  You don't even want to do anything with your family, friends or children.  You either have numbed your feelings to the point where you have no expressions on your face but you are feeling deep inside like what is the point of even getting out of bed I want to  die.  You don't think straight...your judgement is fuzzy u may feel dizzy or lightheaded.  You either will eat too much or too little...I always gain weight when I"m depressed.  You don't concentrate very well on anything even watching tv.  You don't want to be on Earth anymore.  You hate yourself, your life and everything you've ever done in your life.  You feel hopeless, sad, angry, dissappointed, sick and tired of everything and eveeryone.  You feel like you are watching  yourself falling deeper and deeper into a black hole that you can't get out of.  You don't care what you look like or if you smell or not.  You don't care if you disinigrate to nothing.  You feel like you are worthless, as if what is the point of me being here kind of feeling.  You know you are awake but you feel like you are in a  dream-a  horrible slow death that you can't wake yourself from.  Your too scared to kill yourself but you want to  die.  You feel that you are a burden to everyone who knows you.  Hope that helps, and yes these feelings have been mine many times throughout my life.  If you feel this way at all you need to go to the therapist, get on some meds right away!! without meds I would not be alive right now, it will take a while to adjust to your medicine but don't ever stop once you get on it without your doctors supervision.  I learned the hard way and please if you yourself are feeling theis way  Get help asap.  If a freind is feeling this way get them help asap.  Sometimes the person who needs the hlp doesn't want it even thoiugh they no they need it.

  22. h**l.. Not wanting to get up in the morning... Hoping you don't wake up.. Said feelings continuing for more than a few months.  

  23. overwhelming, like your life cant possibly be worth what you're going through  

  24. It's a good thing if u never find out!

  25. Like a huge lead blanket has been thrown over you. You feel as though you can't even get up and face the day. It sucks. It's called "hitting bottom". Good luck with that, you'll make it thru, I did. Eventually.

  26. from a personal point of veiw its was like Jungle said just stop the world and let me off so I can get my sh## to together very overwhelming it was lke an unstoppable nothing in side i could get cranky or happy but the underlying feeling was f## this what next give me a break whith out the ability to acctualy see a good out come in anything  

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